16 Verbs to Use for the Word doughnut

When we entered the long, low log-cabin, he was boiling doughnuts, as was to be expected.

" Barbara ate her doughnut and drank the bitter tea.

That was a very fair yarn of yours, Tom Brown, very fair for a landsman, but I'll bet you a doughnut I can beat it; and all on the square, too, as I say,which is more, if I don't mistake, than you could take oath to.

"At one table a girl was cutting out doughnuts; at another a girl was making a puddinga layer of bits of bread followed by a layer of fruit.

Perched upon the high revolving chairs surrounding a horseshoe counter, a score or more of soft-shirted men sat devouring huge greasy doughnuts and gulping coffee.

George said they gave Mr. Storer a doughnut down there, and that it hurt him.

Now, George, hustle and lay me out a cup of coffee, hotget that?and a couple of them greasy doughnuts of yourn.

And the Americans have a way of saying: "The optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist sees the hole."

But for three days Bony came not forth and was seen no more of men, save only when he crept to the hole for a lap of water and to seize a doughnut from the hand of Paul, whereupon he retired promptly.

"He do dat ar'?" said Candace, dropping the fork wherewith she was spearing doughnuts.

They stand round with a cup of chocolate in one hand, a doughnut in the other, and fight their fights over again until officers drive them to the dressing rooms.

"He only throws water when the boys try to steal his doughnuts.

"Won't you take off your coat, Miss Hyslop, and try Mike's doughnuts?"

But if you want a doughnut beforehand" "Hurrah for Aunt Martha's doughnuts!" cried Sam.

Missy Marvyn she sent Miss Scudder some turkey-eggs, an' I brought down some o' my doughnuts for de Doctor.

He bought a doughnut in Bucksport and took the coastal route for old time's sake.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  doughnut