38 Verbs to Use for the Word downes

And straightly all other Lawes oth' Stage observ'd, As not (though weary) to sit downe, not spit, Not wipe his sweat off but with what he wore.

All which Sir, though I most powerfully, and potently beleeue; yet I holde it not Honestie to haue it thus set downe: For you

The saide partriges were so tame, that when the man was desirous to lie downe and rest, they would all come flocking about him like chickens.

You must sing downe a-downe, and [Sidenote: sing a downe a downe, And] you call him a-downe-a. Oh, how the wheele[10] becomes it?

Tempt not the wrath supernall to fall downe And crush thee in thy throne.

The King, and Queene, and all are comming downe.

And when the people of the Island saw the ship, and that we were comming a land: presently they made a place of bazar or a market, with shops right ouer against the ship with all maner of prouision of victuals to eate, which they brought downe in great abundance, and sold it so good cheape, that we were amazed at the cheapenesse thereof.

Here a wing flies out Soaring at Victory; here the maine Battalia Comes up with as much horrour and hotter terrour As if a thick-growne Forrest by enchantment Were made to move, and all the Trees should meete Pell mell, and rive their beaten bulkes in sunder, As petty Towers doe being flung downe by Thunder.

Observe, First heare me, know the meanes and when y'ave doone Fall downe and worshypp.

Hey good boies ifaith, now a three man's song, or the olde downe a downe; well things must be as they may, fils the other quart; muskadine, with an egg is fine, there's a time for all things.

I am not taken with a ring or Caskanet, as some avaritious Ladies; he that presents me with the sword of his rivall is more welcome then all the silken soft natur'd six hundreds a yeere, that will be baffeld in their best clothes and goe downe into the Country every Vacacon like Atturneys to be beaten against next terme and get damage by it, but I forget some affaires that concerne me.

The women are clad in a coarse smock onely reaching to their knees, and hauing long sleeues hanging downe to the ground.

And must I heare this sett downe for all my service?

(Kneeling downe by Ascanio.)

Againe, I stand heere To lay my own life downe, please his high Maiesty To take it: for what's lost his fate to fall Was fortune de la guerre, & at the feete Of his most royal Maiesty & at yours (My Princely Lords & Judges) low as th'earth I throw my wretched selfe & begg his mercy.

vpon this grassie bed, With summers gawdie dyaper bespred, (He lyes downe.)

These knaues cast offendours downe, turning vp the soles of their feete made fast to a staffe, giuing them a perpetuall remembrance for them and the beholders.

From thence we departed in flat bottomed barks more strong and greater then those of Euphrates, and were eight and twenty dayes also in passing downe this riuer to Balsara, but we might haue done it in eighteene or less, if the water had bene higher.

So much hee vowed and swore to paye mee downe At sight of this his budgett; a deneere I will not bate; downe with my dust, thou perjurer.

Lift me a little higher, yet more: Doe the Immortall Powers poure blessings downe, And shall I not returne them? Omnes.

A short discourse of that which is too long, How ever pleasing, can never seeme but wrong; Yet would my tragicke story fit the stage: Pleasaunt in youth but wretched in mine age, Blinde fortune setting vp and pulling downe, Abusde by those my selfe raisde to renowne: But that which wrings me neer and wounds my hart, Is a false brothers base vnthankfull part.

my sonne Came riding downe with might and main: He raised a shout as he drew on, Till all the welkin rang again, 'Elizabeth!

Come, Gabriella, let us sett her downe; And seate her easylie, doe not hurt my queene; The downie breathe that sweepes alongst the meads, Kissinge the gentyll flowers that sweeten hym, Are stormes and tempests to her tenderness: [They place the dead bodye in a chayre.

To you, Sir: For is't not boyish folly (youthfull heat I cannot call it) to spume downe

Hate must strike Nero downe, Love make Nimphidius way unto a Crowne.

38 Verbs to Use for the Word  downes