8 Verbs to Use for the Word drainings

This convent and church were also constructed by Pius VI with a view to facilitate the draining and cultivating of the marshes by affording shelter to the workmen.

You could have eaten your dinner almost anywhere off the swept dry ground, for the steep slopes favoured draining, there was no lack of timber, and there was unlimited labour.

As such it means a violent draining of the endocrine wells.

He took great interest in the State at large, explored on foot the Dismal Swamp and projected its draining, made several expeditions up the Potomac and over the mountains, laying out routes for new roads to the Ohio country, gained much influence in the House of Burgesses, and was among the foremost in discussing privately and publicly the relations of the Colonies with the Mother Country.

And on the afternoon of the 21st anchored in South West Bay, off the watering-place, which was running very slowly; a hole was dug to receive the drainings.

First Day's Observations and EnjoymentRural Foot- paths; Visit to Tiptree FarmAlderman Mechi's Operations Improvements Introduced, Decried and AdoptedSteam Power, Under- draining, Deep Tillage, IrrigationPractical Results.

His lower spars were cased in tight unmentionables of what had once been white kerseymere, and long boots, the coal-scuttle tops of which served as scuppers to carry off the drainings from his coat-flaps in bad weather; he was, in fact, the "last of the sea-monsters," but, like all his tribe, as brave as steel, and, when put to it, as alert as a cat.

This takes us back to that time when the citizens' chief concern was probably that of drainage, not of the domestic sortthat did not worry thembut the draining of the water-meadows upon which they had built their homes.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  drainings