51 Verbs to Use for the Word drilling

Scott, Foresman & Co. (PWH); 10Jan63; R308789. Graded arithmetic drills, sixth-grade drills, nos.1-20.

This movement is recommended by Mason and also by Blaikie, and as it is part of the West Point "setting up" drill, it may be regarded as considered on good authority to be efficacious in producing an erect carriage.

Sailors have to keep watch, and learn their drill, and take orders, and fight under their captain, just like soldiers.'

He is like the Duke of Saxe-Meiningenhe has to beg his neighbor's permission to hold battalion drill.

Colonel Dearman knew his battalion-drill.

All men are required to attend drill except those excused by sick report and those specially excused from headquarters.

There were some British men-of-war lying in the harbour; and as my two German friends were anxious to see the great-gun exercise, I went on board with these gentlemen to witness the drill, with which they were much pleased.

As things are now, it is themselves who chiefly need the drill.

My friend informed me of this and gave me a drill on pronouncing the word correctly, for if I should have called it Brussels, no Frenchman would have understood what I meant.

The Cadence system of teaching close order drill.

However, here's a chance for you to practise deaf-and-dumb drill.

I'll execute my drill with stick and sword And serve my sheik the very best I can.

That gentleman had thrown back his hood, pulled off his great moose-skin gauntlets and his beaver-lined cap, and now, with a little help, dragged the drill parki over his head, and after that the fine lynx-bordered deer-skin, standing revealed at last as a well-built fellow, of thirty-eight or so, in a suit of mackinaws, standing six feet two in his heelless salmon-skin snow-boots.

After dinner I walked up to the Citadel square and saw a drill of the Home Guard.

" Well John Henry said to the Captain, I'm gonna take a little trip downtown Get me a thrity pound hammer with that nine foot handle I'll beat your steam drill down, Lord God I'll beat your steam drill down.

They are drawn and graded with such precision that, when the plants are at a certain height, a horse-hoe, with eight blades, each wide enough to cut the whole intervening space between two rows, is passed, hoeing four or five drills at once.

But there can be introduced a regular drill on the scale, which should never last more than ten minutes at a time.

It is hard for a miner to leave his pillars and his chambers, his drill and powder-can and fuse, and to seek other occupation on the surface of the earth.

The ladies, God bless them, were always free to pass the guard on the city side of that small camp and earthwork, where with the ladies' guns "the ladies' man" had worn the grass off all the plain and the zest of novelty out of all his nicknamers, daily hammeringhe and his only less merciful lieutenantsat their everlasting drill. Such ladies!

You will like the new drill.

However short-lived some particular drill or exercise may be, however soon it is superseded by another, as long as it lasts the strictest conformity to it is rigorously enforced.

The speaker let her eyes wander to an approaching orderly, and a lieutenant took the chance to mention that early drill near Carrollton, which the General had viewed from the Callenders' equipage.

How she missed the drills and the dress parades; her rides across the open prairie on her pony, beside her father; how she missed the games she used to play with the other children at the fort on the long summer evenings!

As he came across Hyde Park he observed a corporal drilling some recruits, upon which he went up to him and entered into familiar conversation with him, asking him a variety of questions, and, when he had seen the end of the exercise, shook him heartily by the hand and left him.

And once, when the rock was particularly hard, she happened along and volunteered to turn the drill while Casey used the "double-jack", which I suppose you know is the big hammer that requires two hands to pound the drill while another turns it slightly after each blow, so that the bitted end will chew its way into hard rock.

51 Verbs to Use for the Word  drilling