43 Verbs to Use for the Word drinkings

The one remaining at home has resolved to quit drinking.

Hook went through the list, and seemed to enjoy toast-drinking so much that he was quite sorry to have come to the end of it, and continued, as if still from the list, to propose successively the health of each officer present.

He forbade all drinking, feasting, and unseasonable revels, and forced the people to take up arms, proving himself inexorable to everyone who was on the muster-roll of able-bodied citizens.

They continued drinking, and singing Erse songs, till near five in the morning, when they all came into my room, where some of them had beds.

To make up the mess, what immoderate drinking in every place?

says:'I do fairly acknowledge that I love Drinking; that I have a constitutional inclination to indulge in fermented liquors, and that if it were not for the restraints of reason and religion, I am afraid I should be as constant a votary of Bacchus as any man....

He persuaded many of them to leave off drinking, and to lead better lives.

I heartily dislike drinking, meat eating and smoking, but I tolerate all these in Hindus, Mahomedans and Christians even as I expect them to tolerate my abstinence from all these, although they may dislike it.

"Nary a Grimes 'cept me inside o' twenty miles o' here, and that's a fact," he assured Bandy-legs, after finishing his drinking.

What had preceded and followed the drinking of this cordial?

I had great hopes that Mr. Romaine had entirely given up drinking, and I was greatly pained when I saw him take a glass of wine at your solicitation.

Casey drank sparingly and stopped when he would have given all he ever possessed in the world to have gone on drinking until he could hold no more.

I would dilate upon my noon-day loiterings amidst wild ruins, and thick forests, and on the shaded banks of riversthe pic-nic partiesthe gipsy propheciesthe twilight homeward walkthe social tea-drinking, and, the last scene of all, the "rosy dreams and slumbers light," induced by wholesome exercise and placid thoughts.[050]

"Na, na, I never knew onybody killed wi' drinking, but I hae kenn'd

" "It's the only time I ever knew the drinking of too much liquor to do good," chuckled Mr. Wilder.

There, either in the cool, vine-shaded garden, in the long, low-ceilinged dining-room, or in some smaller and more ornate apartment, one might breakfast, dine, what not, in the fashion of the countrywhich, for the most part, meant the drinking of a muddy liquid with an unpronounceable name and the eating of wafelen and poffertjes, and of little cheeses calculated to appal the strongest stomach.

Consequently, I was not to be taken in like Jackson by made-up faces, trashy pictures, drawling and lounging and strutting and tailoring, drawing-room singing and drawing-room dancing, any more than by bad ventilation and unwholesome hours and food, not to mention polite dram drinking, and the round of cruelties they call sport.

It was also pretty clear that robbery was not the motive, since nothing was disturbed, and that a friendly conversation had preceded the murderwitness the drinking and the eating of the apple.

*** Liverpool Licensing Justices have urged the Liquor Control Board to take steps to prevent the drinking of methylated spirits by women.

In other words, they have stopped trying to prohibit drinking because they found it was impossible, and are now trying to reduce it to the minimum.

There was a chairman, or symposiarch, appointed by the company to regulate the drinking; and it was his duty to mix the wine in the "mighty bowl."

We'll lie there in slumber sinking Neath the palm-trees by the stream, Rapture and rest deep drinking, Dreaming the happiest dream.

One peers Between the leaves: "Ay, there's the place There, on the oozy ledge'twas there We found the body (Blake's you know); Such whirlings, gurglings round the face Shot drinking!

At the very time that he was using such flattering language to the good folks of Hainault, he was writing to the Count de Dampmartin, whom he had charged with the repression of insurrection in the country-parts of Ghent and Bruges, "Sir Grand Master, I send you some mowers to cut down the crop you wot off; put them, I pray you, to work, and spare not some casks of wine to set them drinking, and to make them drunk.

Speat o' praying and speat o' drinking.

43 Verbs to Use for the Word  drinkings