12 Verbs to Use for the Word du

Bigrel (of the Côtes-du-Nord).

pp. 124 sq. Émile Hublard, Fêtes du Temps Jadis, les Feux du Carême (Mons, 1899), pp.

It was some time before I ventured to receive Freron's Orateur du Peuple by the post.

It is true, the reign of Robespierre and his sanguinary tribunal are execrated in studied phrases; yet is it enough to adopt humanity as a mode, to sing the Revel du Peuple in preference to the Marseillois, or to go to a theatre with a well-powdered head, instead of cropped locks a la Jacobin?

Thierry was anticipated in his theory by Barry, in a dissertation cited by Mr. Wright in his Essays: Thèse de Littérature sur les Vicissitudes et les Transformations du

Et tous ceux qui faisaient, au lieu de repentirs, Un rire au prince avec les larmes des martyrs, Et tous ces flatteurs des épées Qui louaient le sultan, le maître universel, Et, pour assaisonner l'hymne, prenaient du

Here modern usage requires the partitive du. SUR L'ARTICLE DE, 'Concerning,' 'in the matter of.' LUI.

One barring the Rue du Cadran and the Rue Montorgueil.

This Commissary had notified Serrière of a "decree of the President of the Republic," suppressing the Avénement du Peuple, and had placed sentinels over the presses.

Charles V. immediately despatched Beaurain to the Duke of Bourbon, who had removed to Montbrison, in the most mountainous part of his domains, on pretext of a pilgrimage to Notre-Dame du

Raimond, comte de Saint-Gilles, et Audemare, évêque du

At one o'clock this morning, the 5th of April, on my return from one of these nightly excursions through Paris, I was following the Rue du Mont Thabor so as to gain the boulevards, when on crossing the Rue Saint-Honoré I perceived a small number of National Guards ranged along the pavement.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  du