13 Verbs to Use for the Word dudes

" "Do youahreally think I canahI will be as well dressed as theahas anybody?" asked the dude eagerly.

Wipe the raindrops from your eyes. All your sorrows will be passing When you're eating Christmas pies!" "You stop thatyou mean thing!" burst out the dude, and then turning, he almost ran for the dormitory, the laughter of the students ringing out loudly after him.

And he called his father "Guv'nor," with a cheek serene and rude, While that raging, wrathful rustic calld his son a "blasted dude.

That knowledge caused the dude to wheel about and go to the hotel, where he made his home.

Don't you dare to do it!" cried the dude,

" "Well, I never!" gasped the tall dude.

Think of it; here's Ralph been sweet on Liz for two years an' now she gives him the go-by for a skinny, affected dude like that feller that was here.

"Dew I look like one of them sissy-boys, er jest a dude?" "It's dretful becoming," insisted Angy, "bewtiful!

If Andy was dead, I'd say lynch the dude.

"Stormy, did you say?" repeated the dude in dismay.

And you gotta admit it was the light mostly that scared them young dudes off and left me the things.

"Always takes some soft-handed dude to make a winning with a fool girl," he comforted himself.

They took his hat and used it for a football, and threw the dude on his back and piled on top of him until he thought his ribs were going to be stove in.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  dudes