18 Verbs to Use for the Word dummy

I never liked playing the 'dummy.'

There are supposed to be two ways to tackle, but the coach who was conducting the operations to-day undoubtedly believed in the existence of at least thrice that number; for each candidate for Varsity honors tackled the dummy in a totally different style.

I've got a dummy here, too, that I use to test things.

Edgar Bergen (PWH); 24Jan66; R380270. Please get well, Charlie; I wooden want a dummy to speak my little part.

Give brother little piece!" Think of having a gilded dummy like that given you to amuse yourself with!

"Music like that would turn cowards into heroes and heroes into demi-gods; would inspire a wooden dummy to fight to the last ditch for freedom and native land.

You have killed my dummy!

We entered the Chapel and I locked the door behind us, after which we carted the armored dummy up the aisle to the gate of the chancel rail where we put it down upon its round, wooden stand.

He hung the coat on the iron end of the spade, and tied his hat above on a stick; then he went down the ravine about ten yards, faced us, raised his dummy, and marched quickly toward us.

In other words, rig up a dummy to stand our trick as sentry.

Now, some men they'd slight a mother-in-law like that, an' maybe ring a dummy at her; but that's thess where I differ.

His Mumbai team was to follow once we were staffed and ready to run dummies.

He gimme a baynit an' learned me to stob dummies wid it over at Camp Oglethorpe, ontil he felt lak I had de heart to stob anything; 'n' 'en he sont me acrost.

" He stepped to the left whilst I took the dummy in my arms and turned it to face the altar, so that it stood close to the gate.

Upon the appearance of this officer the plan was gone over anew, and he was asked whence and within what time he could produce two presentable dummies to do duty in the Sound for the entertainment of the population of Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse.

The West Coast Times (WCT) began churning out dummies by late-June 1978.

If you leave out of consideration the established cases of exceptional and rare human psychology mentioned in the penal code, all other cases serve the judge merely as an excuse to select from the criminal code the number of that article which will fit the criminal dummy, and if he should paste 404 instead of 407 on its back, the court of appeals would resist, any change of numbers.

Then Steve was given the wooden "dummy" which had worked so like a charm, and instructed how to manage it, so that it would take the place of a man's lower extremities.

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  dummy