578 Verbs to Use for the Word earths

The wood-rings in the section I laid bare were so involved and contorted in some places that I was not able to determine its age exactly, but I counted over 4000 rings, which showed that this tree was in its prime, swaying in the Sierra winds, when Christ walked the earth.

But there was nothingnothing but that gray ghostly gloom, with the rim of the sky touching the earth a mile away.

At our first shock on leaving the earth, my fears were at their height; but after about two hours, I had tolerably well regained my composure, to which the returning light of day greatly contributed.

"If Jesus Christ is able to fill heaven don't you think he ought to be able to fill earth too?

The waste was wild; but rather that than to see the man who might have shaken earth and hell thus turning, turning to madness and the awful journey.

These are enumerated as:A. Proofs that the sea formerly covered the whole earth.

But the ambassadors gave him no credit until they had searched every chink and crevice in the cavern, and dug up all the earth round the entrance.

We made good use of this time by digging up the ground inside the barricade with our knives and throwing the loose earth around and over the mules, and we soon had a very respectable fortification.

Thus the quadrupeds, that are formed to tread the earth in common with man, are muscular and vigorous; and, whether they have passed into the servitude of man, or are permitted to range the forest or the field, they still retain, in a high degree, the energies with which they were originally endowed.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

"And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. . . .

Those which have fallen at other times, have been real fossils of the moon, and either such stones as this I hold in my hand, or such metallic substances as are repelled from that body, and attracted towards the earth; and it is the force with which they strike the earth, which first suggested the idea of a thunder-bolt.

And so it pleased the God who rules the earth and heavens above, To prove his deep compassion and the greatness of his love; And thus my sad captivity, my days of wandering, o'er, Florida, in thy loving arms I nestle as of yore!" THE SPANIARD OF ORAN Right gallant was that gentleman, the warlike knight of Spain, Who served the King in Oran, with sword and lances twain;

When Adam's crook-stick turned over the brown earth to make it fertile, he began the industry of the world.

Leaving Jupiter, they "coast" along the planet Mars, and finally reach the earth, where they resolve to disembark.

The sun is not abed, when I At night upon my pillow lie; Still round the earth his way he takes, And morning after morning makes.

Once, I glanced behind, and saw the earth, a small crescent of blue light, receding away to my left.

Thus spoke out the tenderest-hearted, most Christ-like human being, perhaps, who ever trod this earth, who, in his intense longing to save sinners, endured a life of misery and danger, and finished it by martyrdom.

That He is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever as when He came to visit this earth in great humility.

But, later, as the ages came and went, my soul seemed to imbibe the very essence of the oppressive solitude and dreariness, that held the earth.

"Doth she wear ever aa green veil, Giles?" "Verily, lord, and with a most sweet grace" "And her shoes" "Her shoes, tall brother, O methinks her sweet shoe doth kiss the earth so sweet and light poor earth must needs love and languish as doth poor Giles!

The dragon again appeared, and the faithful horse almost tore up the earth with his heels, to rouse his sleeping master.

And to that, the second party will answer, And do you say that we are not to love this fair and wonderful earth which God has made for our use, and put us into it?

I think I have never known one whose thoughts were so much with the past, whose memory was so familiar with the words and actions of those who inhabited the earth before us, and who so loved and reverenced the worthy examples they have given us, yet who so much interested himself in the present and was so hopeful of the future.

And among it, I know not when, or by what diluvial wave out of hundreds which swept the Pleistocene earth, was deposited our little gravel-pit, from which we started on our journey through three worlds.

578 Verbs to Use for the Word  earths