2 Verbs to Use for the Word eclecticism

Everard Digby (died 1592; chief work, Theoria Analytica, 1579), instructor in logic in Cambridge from 1573, who was strongly influenced by Reuchlin and who favored an Aristotelian-Alexandrian-Cabalistic eclecticism, was the first to disseminate Neoplatonic ideas in England; and, in spite of the lack of originality in his systematic presentation of theoretical philosophy, aroused the study of this branch in England into new life.

Thus continually is the independent reader of history taught eclecticism: he makes allowance for the want of careful research in this writer, for the love of effect in that,for the skepticism of one, and the credulity of another,for enthusiasm here, and fastidiousness there,and especially for the greater or less attachment to certain opinions, and the absence or presence of strong convictions and genuine sympathies.

2 Verbs to Use for the Word  eclecticism