23 Verbs to Use for the Word emergencies

It is the work of the specialist to meet emergencies, and it is his professional pride to triumph over difficult conditions.

He obeys orders, heedless of consequences; he issues commands amid the uproar and tumult of pressing emergencies.

There are physicians whose most hopeful assurances are of little or no service to their patients, because those physicians are known to be willing to lie to a patient in an emergency; and how can a timid patient be sure that his case does not present such an emergency?

The Stranger was a domestic and personal servant, and in some instances mechanical; both were occasional, procured temporally to serve an emergency.

I suspect you mean to create emergencies simply to help me out of them.

Apprehensions for their safety spread even to Rome; so that all the younger citizens were compelled to enlist and two regular armies were raised, to answer sudden emergencies.

One faces emergencies, and makes the best of them.

"Certain title-deeds and certificates of stock, part of my father's legacy, which, as if foreseeing the present emergency, I had brought away with me, were easily converted into cash.

Why did I not forsee Such an emergency, and tutor thee This counsel also wisely to elude? IPHIGENIA Chide only me, for mine alone the blame.

I fear that this harmony of action, so desirable in so grave an emergency, cannot be effected.

As soon as we knew the emergency, we did everything in our power; but all our preparations were lost.

Without it, rapid and large fluctuations of energy output, and elasticity and flexibility of energy mobilization for any sudden mental or muscular act, let alone an emergency, become impossible.

But they realized the emergency, and knew what to do.

The boat's crew fortunately recognised the emergency, and a smart race ensued between them and the natives.

Occurrence always signifies an unforeseen circumstance,' 'an emergency.'

As might be expected in so alarming an emergency, the senate was immediately assembled, when Publius Cornelius, surnamed Asina, was for recalling all the generals and armies from every part of Italy to protect the city, disregarding Capua and every other concern.

but this was one of those cases in which names were dropped and servants changed, to suit an emergency.

Days ago, Selim and I cached the rope at the top of the cliff, anticipating just such an emergency as this, and intending to use it if we could reach the château in no other way.

To God he carried the present emergency, and earnestly importuned Him, that He would send him a pair of boots, and that He would do it before the approaching Sabbath.

Will you not, now that you have most amply tested his mettle, commit the present emergency, no less pressing than former ones, to him for whom alone you asked in the face of those urgent dangers ere you had applied any accurate test at all?

Hilliard was to be watched through the meal and corrected if he did anything wrong with his knife and fork, or his bread; and they were to have conversations and discussions covering various imagined emergencies.

Under the stress of so dire an emergency as that they confronted they were quite right in attending only to the spirit of law and justice, and refusing to be hampered by the letter.

And this is not because such past officer has an inherent right to the mastership, but because as long as such an one is present and willing to serve, there does not exist such an emergency as would authorize a dispensation of the law.

23 Verbs to Use for the Word  emergencies