6 Verbs to Use for the Word ende

"I laughe not at another's losse, I grudge not at another's payne; No worldly wants my mynde can toss, My state at one dothe still remayne: I feare no foe, I fawn no friende, I lothe not lyfe nor dreade my ende.

And ende albuten ende.

It is resolvd that my systers onlye ende Was to enjoy Rychard unlawfullye: Howe might a fallinge out twyxt hym & me Assyst the ende (for such a thynge she causd)?

Fayth, it will not neede, I knowe my ende of journey.

It is resolvd that my systers onlye ende Was to enjoy Rychard unlawfullye: Howe might a fallinge out twyxt hym & me Assyst the ende (for such a thynge she causd)?

There they let it remaine vntill the ende of Iuly or the middest of August, out of which pits at that time, in stead of water that they let in they gather very faire white salt, without any further art or labour, for it is only done by the great heate of the sunne.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  ende