15 Verbs to Use for the Word enlistment

For my part, captain Willoughby, I have always thought it took a man his first five years' enlistment to learn how to obey orders.

As a means of strengthening this national arm I also recommend to your particular attention the propriety of the suggestion which attracted the consideration of Congress at its last session, respecting the enlistment of boys at a suitable age in the service.

The bill of the last session providing for an increase of the pay of the rank and file of the Army has had beneficial results, not only in facilitating enlistments, but in obvious improvement in the class of men who enter the service.

Its action was prompted more particularly by the fact that when Piso refused to allow the subordinate officers to hold enlistments in Gallia Narbonensis, of which he was governor, the populace was furiously enraged and would straightway have cast him out of office, had not Pompey begged him off.

There was much work for me to do beside my share in the campaign to increase enlistments.

It was not only in Britain that I influenced enlistments.

By conscription I mean the compulsory enlistment for a term of service in the Army of the whole manhood of the country.

"On arriving, a meeting of the colored men was called to obtain enlistments.

The exposure to this increased and arduous labor since the passage of the act of 1850 has already had, to a most observable and injurious extent, the effect of preventing the enlistment of the best seamen in the Navy.

Suffice it to repeat that the laws of the United States prohibiting all foreign military enlistments or expeditions within our territory have been executed with impartial good faith, and, so far as the nature of things permits, as well in repression of private persons as of the official agents of other Governments, both of Europe and America.

Neither belligerent was to be permitted "to promote enlistment in Brazil, not only of its own citizens, but also of the citizens of other countries, for the purpose of incorporating them in its forces of land and sea."

There are also what are called "class company regiments," composed chiefly of men who are serving second enlistments.

I saw the President and his secretaries, with anxious faces, consulting with their generals; I saw how awful must be the sacrifice to the country in every waymoney, commerce, health, the very lives of the dear soldiers of our army, who fight from choice, and not because law compels their enlistment.

Although a Federalist and with his party opposed to the war, he urged the enlistment of volunteers for the defense of Baltimore, and was among the first to enroll his name.

And I further direct the enlistment for not less than one or more than three years of 18,000 seamen, in addition to the present force, for the naval service of the United States.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  enlistment