4 Verbs to Use for the Word entablatures

To afford an advantageous view from either point, the tower, which is circular, is nearly detached from the body of the church, and is surrounded by columns of the modern Ionic order, supporting an entablature, crowned by a balustrade, which is continued along the sides of the church.

On this rested the entablature, two column-diameters in height, which was divided into architrave (lower mouldings), frieze (broad middle space), and cornice (upper mouldings).

Thus, thirty years of time and over $2,000,000 were bestowed upon the erection of this historic monument, which is perhaps destined to hand down to future generations both the names of the victors and of the numerous vanquished cities that were subject to the authority of Napoleon I. The great central arch is forty-five feet wide and ninety feet high, over which rises a bold entablature and the crowning attic.

That of Neptune had well preserved its lofty and massive columns,as close together as the trees of a nursery,enormous trunks of stone that still sustained the high entablature, the jutting cornice and the two triangular walls of its façades.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  entablatures