2 Verbs to Use for the Word eue

From thence I went to Frankford, from Frankford to Collen, from Collen to Arnam, from Arnam to Vtreight, from Vtreight to Dort, from Dort to Antwerpe, from Antwerpe to Flushing, from Flushing to London, where I arriued vpon Twelue eue in safetie, and gaue thanks to God, hauing finished my iourney to Ierusalem and home againe, in the space of nine moneths and fiue dayes.

" Quelle inscription le passant a-t-il vue sur le mur?Quelle idée lui est venue?Chez qui a-t-il couru?Quelle déception a-t-il eue? Quelle est la morale de cette histoire?

2 Verbs to Use for the Word  eue