3 Verbs to Use for the Word euer

And truely I am so confirmed in this opinion, that when I bethinke me of the verie notablest and moste wonderful propheticall or poeticall vision that euer I read, or hearde, meseemeth the proportion is so vnequall, that there hardly appeareth anye semblaunce of comparison: no more in a manner (specially for poets) than doth betweene the incomprehensible wisedome of God and the sensible wit of man.

And the Patriarke had none other hurt, saue that he became somewhat pale in sight, and so remained euer after.

The streets are the fairest that euer I saw, as straight as a line from one gate to the other, and so broad that tenne or twelue men may ride a front thorow them.

3 Verbs to Use for the Word  euer