3 Verbs to Use for the Word felicitie

That cancker-worme, that monster, Gelosie, Which eates the heart and feedes upon the gall, Turning all Loves delight to miserie, Through feare of losing his felicitie.

Which seeing now so inly faire to be, 225 As outward it appeareth to the eye, And with his spirits proportion to agree, He thereon fixeth all his fantasie, And fully setteth his felicitie; Counting it fairer then it is indeede, 230 And yet indeede her fairnesse doth exeede.

The cave in which these beares lay sleeping sound Was but earth, and with her owne weightinesse 571 Upon them fell, and did unwares oppresse; That, for great sorrow of their sudden fate, Henceforth all worlds felicitie I hate.

3 Verbs to Use for the Word  felicitie