10 Verbs to Use for the Word fides

Sapphires, chrysolites, carbuncles, &c. Quae mira virtute pollent ad lemures, stryges, incubos, genios aereos arcendos, si veterum monumentis habenda fides.

" The Indians apply the term "Christian honesty," precisely in the same sense that the Romans applied "Punica fides.

A condition accompanied the proposal, namely, that the Duke should withdraw from the alliance, and despatch his son at once to Paris, to assure the bona fides of the new arrangement.

Mr. Carew had a stone-ring of this kind in his possession, and the person who gave it to him avowed, that "he himself saw a part of the stick sticking in it,"but "Penes authorem sit fides," says Mr. Carew.

But the two spies who had come with us saw a chance to confirm or else disprove our bona fides, and while one of them stayed and watched us the other went to fetch the Sheikh of the Mosque.

8.In Greek and Latin, the verb frequently agrees with the nearest nominative, and is understood to the rest; and this construction is sometimes imitated in English, especially if the nouns follow the verb: as, "[Greek: Nuni do MENEI pistis, elpis agape, ta tria tanta].""Nunc vero manet fides, spes, charitas; tria hæc.""Now

Noctes atque dies animo spes laeta recurset; Certa mihi sancto flagret amore fides; Certa vetat dubitare fides, spes laeta timere; Velle vetet cuiquam non bene sanctus amor.

"Nothing to do but to meet him, to give him a word that'll establish what they term your bony fides, and a message from me that I'll have you learn by heart before you go.

Noctes atque dies animo spes laeta recurset; Certa mihi sancto flagret amore fides; Certa vetat dubitare fides, spes laeta timere; Velle vetet cuiquam non bene sanctus amor.

"Ornabat pietas et grata modestia vatem," wrote his brother Gabriel, "Sancta fides, dictique memor, munitaque recto Justitia, et nullo patientia victa labore, Et constans virtus animi, et elementia mitis, Ambitione procul pulsa fastûsque tumore; Credere uti posses natum felicibus horis, Felici fulgente astro

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  fides