20 Verbs to Use for the Word finalities

It is probable that in 1918 the Chief of the Naval Staff had more time at his disposal than was the case in 1917, owing to the changes in organization initiated in the later year having reached some finality and to the fact that the numerous anti-submarine measures put in hand in 1917 had become effective in 1918.

These two conceptions may be considered as one; for by finality we mean the intelligent direction of means towards a preconceived end; and therefore to admit a pervading finality, is to imply a theistic origin and governme

That is hardly enough time upon which to base finalities.

Then too he said "do not," always with Dwight betokening the finalities.

So many things seem to culminate toward the close of the centurygood fortune for some, evil fortune for others; hopes dashed at the seeming moment of realization, as if all the forces in nature were aiding to make an end of the century's efforts in any way that would bring finality.

" "Yet your administration, to-day, my dear Sir, calls this 'finality.'

" While Libbie was thinking up an answer, which considering the finality of that statement, was not an easy matter, the tall draped figure went on to explain to the interested girls that there were two degrees to be undergone before one could be a full fledged member of the Mysterious Four.

And yet there was a subtle difference from her previous manner of writing that only emphasised the finality of our separation.

Last summer I thought I was happy, the fall gave me a finality of satisfaction, the winter imparted perspective, but spring conveys a wholly new sense of life, a quickening the like of which I never before experienced.

Undoubtedly it is this last fallacy that makes it more easy for evolutionists to dispense with or ignore finality.

Again into the consideration intruded the absolute finality, the irrevocability of her choice.

While there is much to admire in its abounding vigor and its picturesque details, Fiesco lacks artistic finality and is the least interesting of Schiller's early plays.

It may be fatalism, Mate, but it is indisputable that looking finality in the face had brought to all of them a quietness of spirit that no longing for wider fields or personal ambition can disturb.

Suddenly he perceived finality, the advent of the solution, the reconciliation of the conflict that had been waged so long.

And, after all, was not Kant a bit premature in proclaiming the finality of his analysis and of his refutation of empiricism for all time?

Now, in more doubtful and more hopeful days, it is almost impossible to repicture what was, for those who understood, the gigantic finality of the first German strides.

She must have sensed the finality of his tone, the well-bred insolence that his query suggested.

And if he does" Her tone spelled finality but I had no time to bestow upon the probable fate of Harry Underwood.

Affectionately, with a gentleness that achieved absolute finality.

Then the glances 'tween the Fates, And the doubt on every side, And the patience under gloom In the stoniness that waits The finality of doom.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  finalities