5 Verbs to Use for the Word flops

He shook the tins one by one beside his ear, and then, selecting that which gave out no "flop" of oil, stripped it open, plunged his fingers inside, and pulled forth a clammy mess of putty and sawdust.

and I heard a thing coming flop-flop up the stairs like an eel, and squealing.

'Lefty' and Monahan think you went flop on the job, but I know better, eh?

Soon es I hearn a flop I he

He had full leisure to notice the regular flop of the Tam o'Shanter over the lighter dance of the hair, the increasing rosiness of the cheeks dimpled into almost continual laughter, to catch stray snatches of gay little remarks thrown out at random as they tore along.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  flops