6 Verbs to Use for the Word foh

" "My Mammy sho did hev a big wedding my Pappys Massa ask my Mammy Massa foh her en den my Mammy Massa give her a big infair dat cost him $200.00 wid de bridal supper en all.

When he got de banjo 'bout paid foh, dat time he took a whole nes'ful to onc't an' de birds what it b'longed to saw what he war a-doin' an' gib him a piece o' dere mind, an' folled him 'round all day an' sat on de roof ob his quarters an' talked all night, 'an tole him to bring back dem Mockers or dey'd tell; an' Sambo war skeered an' wanted to put de birds back an' den he didn't like to.

"Mist' Chol' Bentlee him leave foh yo'.

"Dat all this crowd of niggers need dat Mr. G was afer dem and meant foh dem to move or git.

An' dishyer road up yere, it mighty hard to navigate foh er grea' big hebby contraption lak er threshin' machine en er engine.

"If you or I, suh, were asked how much two and two make, we would reply 'foh.'

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  foh