22 Verbs to Use for the Word foole

From thence commeth the Latine prouerbe, that daunsers play the fooles, or wantons, but it is with measure.

Does his Lord: love a foole, so well I pray? Foul.

Why, sir Gyles, hees too dogged, and bitter for you in truth; we shall bring you a foole to make you laugh, and he shall make all the World laugh at us.

by Gods slid, if he were as madde as a weaver, I can hardly put it up; for my blow, I care not so much, but he cald me foole; slid, if I live till I dye, the one of us shall prove it.

By the welkin, I gave him not a foule word; first he calles me foole, then he makes a full blowe at my body, and if, by good chance, I had not warded it with my head, he might have spoild me.

[else] and cloathes the foole in sackcloath during his life.

Your dogs comparysons a saucye foole.

Lett it curbe fooles and idiots, such as throughe folly Will not, or nycenes dare not, tast what's sweete, Alyke made for all pallats.

thou beguil'st opinion: The Gates of great men stand more wide To entertaine a foole then Cresus armes

On Mr John Fletcher, and his Workes, never before published. To flatter living fooles is easie slight: But hard, to do the living-dead men right.

I can tell you in some countries they are held no small fooles that goe in Chaines.

I lament That such another pyttied foole as I Should be amongst the liveinge.

Opinion, that great foole, makes fooles of all, And (once) I feard her till I met a minde Whose grave instructions philosophical), Toss'd

if I should prove a foole now," or, as given by Mr. Halliwell, "Death, a discretion!"

Who sent these fooles to trouble us?Gent[lemen], We have some conference will admit no audience Besides ourselves.

He thinks it necessary, for instance, to explain that "to speak pure foole, is in sense equivalent to 'I will speak like a pure fool,'"that "belkt up" means "belched up,""aprecocks," "apricots.

] Let's walk a turne; now stand off fooles, I advise ye, Stand as far off as you would hope for mercy: This is the first sword

[Sidenote: (not ... &c.] Roaming it thus, you'l tender me a foole.

a Conjuring booke ne're open'd Without the readers danger: 'tis indeed A scare-crow set i'th world to fright weake fooles.

I can affect the foole upon Good tearmes, and could devise a plott to noose My amorous woodcock, if you privatlie Assist me and dare trust me with some Jewell Of price, that is not knowne, which shalbe faithfully Restor'd Madam.

I have wrought the foole; Scilicet comes alone, & his Lady keepes the women company.

Another brings Letters of commendation from the Constable of the Parish, or the Church-warden, of his good behaviour and bringing up, how he could write and reade written hand; further desiring that his Father would request my Father that his Fathers Sonne might marrie my Fathers Daughter and heele make her a joynter of a hundred pound a yeare, and beget three or foure fooles to boote.

22 Verbs to Use for the Word  foole