51 Verbs to Use for the Word foolishness

" "Don't talk foolishness; here are your things."

Because they declared, even at Athens, the seat of learning and refinement, the self-evident truth, that "they be no gods that are made with men's hands," and exposed to the Grecians the foolishness of worldly wisdom, and the impossibility of salvation but through Christ, whom they despised on account of the ignominious death he died.

She boarded with the Swiggarts; and Mr. Swiggart, better known as Old Smarty, told me in confidence that "she wouldn't stand no foolishness"; and he added, reflectively, that she was something of a "bull-dozer."

"If you're dreamin' about that red-coat spyhopin' he'll marry you after he's played fast and loose with youwhy, forget such foolishness.

And, truly, have you not likewise known such glad foolishness, when that you were in the love-days.

Look down, oh God, look down an' stop dis yeh foolishness!

Let want teach them the need of self- exertion, and misery prove the foolishness of crime.

But poetry ought not to be foolish; for God sent it into the world to teach men not foolishness, but the highest wisdom.

Pa said: "Here, quit this foolishness, 'cause there is an armistice, and the war is over, anyway.

I suppose I should have regretted my foolishness, but I did not.

I mean that Parsket was the cause, for if it had been something more serious he would certainly have given up his foolishness, knowing that there was no longer any need for it.

He wuz one er dese yer solemn kine er men, en nebber run on wid much foolishness, like de yuther darkies.

"I'm glad it was only you and the doctor that saw my foolishness," continued the other, still in a low voice.

She is proud; she knows she has done her best to bring things rightaccording to her judgment of right; and she does hate to acknowledge her foolishness!

And it grew in me that I did act weakly to hold off from mine Vittles, and showed foolishness before my kind friend afar; and I did ope my scrip, and take therefrom three tablets, the which I chewed and did eat; for this was a strong food, treated that it had but small bulk.

"Now I would like to urge you, from the practical point of view, to drop any such foolishness.

" "You speak too loud, Mike, and you speak foolishness into the bargain," returned the wary Joel.

But, indeed, I speak not now of the way that you shall go with a woman that hath the love-foolishness upon her; for this to be a different matter, as you do know; and a woman then to require a double wit and tenderness in the governing; but also to need to be commanded, mayhap with sternness; yet with the more love.

Seldom does any appeal to my heavenly Father seem more fitting than this, "Thou knowest my foolishness;" and, oh, may His arm of mercy and compassion be one day revealed. 3d Mo.th.

"You have not lost your purse again?" "Ah! foolishness, no." Both laughed a little, the philosophe feebly, and Aurora with an excited tremor.

If I only had the keepin of you then, Ide nock the foolishness out of your nozzles, or break your pesky old topknots in the atemt.

The man who overestimates the foolishness of others is himself the biggest fool concerned.

" "Pity my foolishness.

She sat silent and very red, with drooping eyelids, thinking her brother horribly cruel for thus publishing her foolishness.

"The most sensible thing you could have done; it redeems your foolishness in leaving us as you did.

51 Verbs to Use for the Word  foolishness