9 Verbs to Use for the Word forbids

Mr. Theobald has very justly explained forbid by accursed, but without giving any reason of his interpretation.

And fear forbids to tell my fate to friends:

"For longer in that paradise to dwell, The law I gave to nature him forbids.

(To his lips, I think, he would fain have lifted it, falling on one knee, perchance, at the same time, in a knightly fashion of hero-worship that modern reticence forbids.)

I heardbut no, I cannot tell you this; I ought nothonor forbids;" and he laid his hand on his boyish breast, in a tragic, lofty manner, all his own, that almost made me smile.

"What reason requires, raging love forbids.

"And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.

Yet our fierce Sanhedrim, in restless rage, Against our absent hero still engage, 720 And chiefly urge, such did their frenzy prove, The only suit their prince forbids to move, Which, till obtain'd, they cease affairs of state, And real dangers waive for groundless hate.

If it is a duty to do to each according to his deserts, returning good for good as well as repressing evil by evil, it necessarily follows that we should treat all equally well (when no higher duty forbids) who have deserved equally well of us, and that society should treat all equally well who have deserved equally well of it, that is, who have deserved equally well absolutely.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  forbids