23 Verbs to Use for the Word forecasting

He found the day making good Mr. Mussey's forecast.

These attachments are so shallow that if the fortune-teller who is always consulted gives an unfavorable forecast, the engagement is forthwith broken off.

" It is related of Queen Aterbates, that she forbade her subjects ever to touch fish, "lest," said she, with calculating forecast, "there should not be enough left to regale their sovereign.

Shame I didn't check the weather forecast.

But does broad human experience, however close and pressing, contain that forecast of the future, that right choice of the means of betterment, or even knowledge of the remedy itself, which belong in the proper sphere of enlightened intelligence?

" The heavy atmosphere of the house crushed such forecasts, made them seem a little trivial.

The brilliant, venturesome imagination, defying forecast with ever-fresh surprise; the sense of humour in its finest and most naïve form; the power to touch with lightest hand the undercurrent of pathos in the midst of fun; the audacity of creative fancy, and the delicacy of insightthese are rare gifts; and surely they were his.

Mineog: What is being out in one name towards drawing down the forecast of all classes of deaths upon myself? Hazel: There are twenty thousand things you might lay down and I would give them no leave to annoy me.

I admit GEORGE MOORE is not yet showing Marked resemblance to his namesake, TOM; But great CHESTERTON is hourly growing Almost indistinguishable from Dr. JOHNSON; daily grows more plain SHAKSPEARE'S facial forecast of HALL CAINE.

In this book he intends to hazard certain forecasts about the trend of events in the next decade or so.

I do not think I have often heard a forecast of the growth of our population that extended beyond a total of two hundred millions, and that only as a distant and shadowy goal.

That the congress at Panama will accomplish all, or even any, of the transcendent benefits to the human race which warmed the conceptions of its first proposer it were perhaps indulging too sanguine a forecast of events to promise.

" The event fully justified Bismarck's forecast that nothing was required but courage and resolution.

So I spread out the considerations that I think justify our forecasting, in a very changed Great Britain and a changed Europe, firstly, a legal profession with a quickened conscience, a sense of public function and a reformed organisation, and, secondly, a Press, which is recognised and held accountable in law and in men's minds, as an estate of the realm, as something implicitly under oath to serve the State.

" The framers of the Constitution, in refusing to confer on the Federal Government any jurisdiction over these purely local objects, in my judgment manifested a wise forecast and broad comprehension of the true interests of these objects themselves.

They produce no definite forecasts of the quality of the future towards which they so confidently indicate the way.

Now that the latter has cast in her lot with the Allies and the former is likely at any tune to follow her example, I may be permitted to quote the forecast which I made in the Preface to the Second Edition of this volume under date of November 26, 1914:

I began by making the mistake of reading the forecasts of all the expertsthe gallant Captains and Majors, the Men on the Course, the Men on the Heath, the Men on the Spotall of whom, although they mostly favoured The Panther, had serious views as to dangerous rivals, supported by what looked like uncontrovertible arguments.

The table below shows the forecasts ("F") given in June, 1917, and the deliveries ("D") of different classes of warships month by month during the period of July to November of that year: Class of | July.

He read about the Retreat and the Advance, skimmed the prophets' forecasts, gulped the communiques with interest a good deal fainter than he read the accounts of the football matches or a boxing bout.

It is difficult to admire enough the patriotic forecast of those ancient politicians who established places of public resort where water was dealt out gratis to all comers, and who confined wine to the shops of the apothecaries, that its use might be prohibited save under the direction of physicians.

In fact, one could argue that it is the fastest growing publication and one could venture a bold forecast here that, touch wood, it could have a bright future.

Yet I believe that fate intends (oh, bear this forecast in thy mind!)

23 Verbs to Use for the Word  forecasting