15 Verbs to Use for the Word foretaste

The Turks in overwhelming force met a most stubborn defence by the Middlesex Yeomanry, and if the enemy took these London yeomen as an average sample of General Allenby's troops, this engagement must have given them a foretaste of what was in store for them.

I know that, as for myself, I trembled like a leaf upon an aspen-treeso violently that at times I feared the howling wretches would see the quivering of my limbs, and understand that already was I getting a foretaste of the death which they would have dealt out but for the restraining presence of Thayendanega.

Having experienced a foretaste of riches, Francois perhaps secretly longed for more of the glittering gems and for some of those American dollars which sounded five times as large in francs.

The hospitalities of which I had enjoyed a foretaste in November last, now thickened upon me, and though the season of Lent had put a stop to large and general parties, enough was still left to make my stay very agreeable.

He had lived in this world too long not to know that prosperity breeds forgetfulness, and he felt already in his heart a foretaste of the bitterness that should overwhelm him when this boy, whom he loved as his own child, should leave him alone, forgotten.

And while we wait patiently for this great pleasure, which must sooner or later be enjoyed and appreciated, we may gather a foretaste of Mrs. Browning's power in prose-writing from her early essays, and from the admirable preface to the "Poems before Congress."

Our enemy doth rush upon us with all the fury of his powers, and already giveth us a foretaste and the first-fruits of all the license with which he doth intend to set upon us.

But her letters also show that already she was having foretastes of that baptism of suffering, which was to fit her for doing her Master's work.

In order that the pleasure-seeking multitude might not lack a foretaste of the happiness in store for them, several musicians had taken up their positions on the left-hand slope of the raised causeway.

Every separation gives a foretaste of death, and every meeting a foretaste of the resurrection.

The practical disfranchisement of the colored people in several States, and the apparent acquiescence by the Supreme Court in the attempted annulment, by restrictive and oppressive laws, of the war amendments to the Constitution, have brought a foretaste of what might be expected should the spirit of the Dred Scott decision become again the paramount law of the land.

The man who has not loved before he was fourteen has missed a foretaste of Elysium.

Every parting gives a foretaste of death; every coming together again a foretaste of the resurrection.

Tanti uomini, he says, che in terra hanno voluto gustare vita celeste, dissero con una voce, "ecce elongavi fugiens et mansi in solitudine"those who in this world have desired a foretaste of the divine life, have always proclaimed with one voice: Lo! then would I wander far off; I would lodge in the wilderness.

Herein we have also an explanation of the reason of these waters coming to the surface of the earthit is to give patients and other miserables who drink them a foretaste of future horrors.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  foretaste