5 Verbs to Use for the Word formulation

That was not the way Keith put it, in so far as he attempted any formulation at all, but it was in substance what his momentary speculations amounted to, and the solution of the problem lay quite beyond him.

When in Han time with the establishment of the gentry society and its social classes, the idea that any person could move up to become a leader if he only perfected himself, appeared to be too unrealistic, the theory of different grades of men was formed which found its clearest formulation by Han : some people have a good, others a neutral, and still others a bad nature; therefore, not everybody can become a leader.

After having finished the formulation of this principle I exultingly exclaimed: "God be praised!

He adopted the view that the very rarity of the phenomenon of a new star must prevent the formulation and adoption of definite rules for determining its significance.

On the civil side, likewise, similar reservations must be made, both as regards its formulation and operation.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  formulation