46 Verbs to Use for the Word freshman

you're only fooling!" sang the freshmen.

cheerfully called the lively freshman as he darted behind the table.

The sophomores were jubilant, and they taunted the freshmen.

Bruce Browning, with his mask still over his face, came loafing in and looked the stripped freshman over with a critical eye.

He admitted to Bruce that he felt an almost irresistible desire to strike the cool freshman whenever they met.

The sophomores had captured four more freshmen, and marched all of the crowd down to the river front, when the band under Dick, sixteen strong, appeared.

Where would he be if you had broken his wrist?" "He could coach the freshmen just the same, and the very fact that he can do all these things makes me well satisfied that I did not fix him so he couldn't.

"Say, confound you fool freshmen!"

He knew the sophs were keeping still in order to deceive the freshmen into a belief that there was no danger, and he continued to warn all his friends to "watch out.

That's what Hoddy always didtake the green and frightened freshman to his heart.

"But that is not enough to enable the freshmen to win, even admitting the English oar to be better, which has not been proven," said Emery.

The third round filled the freshmen with delight, for Merriwell knocked Browning off his feet twice, while he seemed to get no heavy blows himself.

It is not a frequent thing to find a freshman on the Varsity team, even as substitute, and Joel's fame grew apace and many congratulations were extended to him, in classroom and out.

"Down you go!" Browning followed the freshman closely, launching out again, with the full expectation that the second blow would be a settler.

The sophomores shouted their satisfaction and delight, fully convinced that they had forced the freshmen to abandon all hope of going through the gate.

With this object in view, he gathered ten stout freshmen and had them come to his room early on the evening mentioned.

Finding that they could not hold the freshmen back, the sophs had each singled out a man, and the contest became hand to hand.

They informed the freshmen that they were altogether too fresh.

"How did it happen, anyway?" asked Roland Ditson, who had joined the freshmen after the affair was over.

"We do not want to kill more than one freshman in a night.

" It was the custom to go out on the campus at a given time, and when the chapel bell sounded out the hour Dick led the freshmen forward.

A little later the senior left the freshmen, and the latter strolled back in the direction of the college buildings.

With assistance, Frank marshaled the freshmen, reserving a place in the first line for himself.

" The Yale freshmen were playing the Harvard freshmen on the grounds of the latter team, and quite a large delegation had come on from New Haven to witness the game, which was the second of the series of three arranged between the freshmen teams of the two colleges.

"A man who can knock out Kid Lajoie ought to polish off a freshman in a minute.

46 Verbs to Use for the Word  freshman