35 Verbs to Use for the Word friendliness

When he came forth from the castle he looked up and he looked down, but though he saw some faces that showed pity and some that showed friendliness, he saw none that he knew.

These visits radiated an almost daily friendliness which lifted and tempered the old invalid's lot and life.

"He cannot understand our friendliness," he laughed.

" "Ache from head to foot," I answered, immediately feeling his friendliness.

Agnes flushed resentfully as she came forward and saw the confidential friendliness of the little group.

Inspector Chippenfield displayed so much friendliness to Crewe as he drew his attention to the number of celebrities in court that it was evident he had buried for the time being his professional enmity.

These delightful birds evinced the most perfect friendliness and confidence in us, and we became greatly attached to them.

"Our intercourse with the Wordsworths," Arnold wrote on the occasion of his first visit in 1832, "was one of the brightest spots of all; nothing could exceed their friendliness, and my almost daily walks with him were things not to be forgotten.

She could still have exhibited friendliness, and an interest in his departure.

His round and florid face, one felt, should have expressed friendliness and good-humour rather than the intolerant anger that marked it now.

" Miss Benton parried courteously, a little at a loss to fathom this bland friendliness, and presently the widening space cut off their talk.

I shall never forget his friendliness and attentions.

"She is getting on," he said to himself with a cordial satisfaction which gave his manner a friendliness as grateful to Psyche as his wise reticence.

Under Aunt Phoebe's management the house soon lost its look of inviting friendliness.

" "Don't let your bitterness over the injustice to you swing you too far the other way, Artie," said Ross with a faint smile in his eyes and a suspicious, irritating friendliness in his voice.

The doctor's manner was losing its friendliness, but Peter, intent on his own problems, did not resent it.

He remembered how she had always mingled the friendliness of her treatment with something of reserve and coolness.

I had taken advantage of her kindness, her sympathy, her trust, and openly misconstrued womanly friendliness into a stronger emotion.

" Hetty seemed pleased and grateful to note the frank friendliness of her girlish employers, in whom she recognized the admirable qualities she had personally sacrificed for a life of dissipation.

He's painted the friendliness right enough.

Whereupon Teresita bethought her of her last night's lesson, and replied slowly and solemnly: "My dear Mrs. Seem'son, howdoyoudo?" "Mrs. Seem'son," realizing the underlying friendliness of the carefully enunciated greeting, flushed with pleasure and for a minute forgot all about the patch problem.

Further, she could not reconcile this nearly effusive friendliness between Mr. Enville and Mr. Cannon with the animadversions of the leading article which Arthur Dayson had composed, and Mr. Cannon had approved, only twenty-four hours earlier.

But Caesar reproached him in this very matter on which he most relied for ultimate safety, and by setting before him how he had repaid friendliness with the opposite treatment proved his offence to have been the more abominable.

He was accompanied by part of the staff of the Foreign Office, and many of the distinguished strangers who followed the army were often guests at his table; he especially shewed his old friendliness for Americans: General Sheridan and many others of his countrymen found a hearty welcome from the Chancellor.

Mrs. Hewel feared her outspokenness would offend Lady Mary, but she could perceive only pleasure and amusement in the face of her hostess, between whom and the worldly old woman there sprang up a friendliness that was almost instantaneous.

35 Verbs to Use for the Word  friendliness