33 Verbs to Use for the Word fright

One day I found him stretched across the desk and it gave me such a fright!

Lifting it, I moved towards the fireplace, but got a fright on the way, and stopped in the middle of the floor and looked back.

The old road, which was in use till 1849, passed by the spot, and a heavily-laden diligence full of passengers overturnedthrough the horses taking fright, it is saidand the whole complement were dashed over the rocks into the torrent below.

Well, you never looked a greater fright in your life!"

I know it is capable of improvementfor example: I can land these ladies in France; whip over before they can get a passage back, or before Hickman can have recovered his fright; and so find means to entrap my beloved on boardand then all will be right; and I need not care if I were never to return to England.

At each fresh tumbler his joviality goes up a step, until at length it reaches a pitch which produces an opposite effect on me, and engenders a depressed fright.

And beholding Kichaka with every limb mangled, and lying like a tortoise dragged to dry ground from the water, all of them were overcome with exceeding fright, and the bristles of their bodies stood on end.

Blaize was destined to experience a second fright.

I had not, up to that moment, felt any real fright, though, when I stood under the scrutiny of the officer on the dike, I must confess I felt extremely nervous; but Orzovensky's violence, and his own panic at the thought of having harbored treason so long, making me fear that his anxiety to escape all suspicion might compel him to denounce me, gave me a mauvais quart d'heure.

At this moment a metamorphose seems to take place, and the object which had occasioned the fright, seems to be transfigured and to become the subject of an affectionate impulse.

She appealed to Heaven against my treachery, as she called it; while I, by the most solemn vows, pleaded my own equal fright, and the reality of the danger that had alarmed us both.

"Yes, yes," cried Billie, pretending immense fright, while her eyes danced with mischief.

" There are rules in dress, as there are in painting, which, if observed, will prevent our making "frights" of ourselves.

" To raise the fright still higher, he quotes an account of a pig's tail, scalded with tea, on which, however, he does not much insist.

Yet, I had received such a fright, that I was glad to scramble up the rift, and haul up the rope.

When I recount love's many frights, My sighs and tears, my waking nights, My jealous fits; O mine hard fate I now repent, but 'tis too late.

At any rate Rafael thought so, as his mind now reverted to that distant period of his life; but he could still remember the fright he had felt as a child, when once in a narrow street he met the terrible Doctor, who had looked at him through those glowing pupils and caressed his cheeks gently and kindly with a hand that seemed to the youngster as hot as a live coal!

In a flash Coquenil realized the danger and called loudly to the dog, but the distance was too great, and his voice was drowned by the cries of ladies on the break, who, seeing the bounding animal, screamed their fright.

But he could not shake off the fright that had startled him.

Gresham's manner was nervous, but he showed no fright.

There was no time to wait and hunt for that missing piece of metal doubtless safely hidden in Hogan's pocket, or else thrown overboard; he must break a way in; but first he must explain to her, so as to spare her the sudden fright of such an assault.

The owl that calls upon the night Speaks the unbeliever's fright.

After having been an inmate of our family nine years, having suffered countless frights and manglings from the many kittens we had kept in the time, he at last died by the claws of the family cat, when released one fine afternoon for an airing, and to have his cage cleaned.

Deaf with the noise, I took my hasty flight; No mortal courage can support the fright.

Now when I saw that, I felt a sort of throttling fright, as though one had caught hold of my heartstrings; and so many and such strange thoughts rose in me, that the blood went pounding round and round in my head, as it did once afterwards when I was fighting with the sea and near drowned.

33 Verbs to Use for the Word  fright