5 Verbs to Use for the Word furnish

Many of the Indian hotels expect guests to bring their own servantsto furnish their own chambermaids and waitershence are short-handed, and the traveler who hasn't provided himself with that indispensable piece of baggage has to look after himself.

In fact, according to Mr. Carnot, the plants already cited furnish the following results on distillation:

Behind the beach was a large basin full of salt water that, in the wet season, would doubtless furnish fresh, since it appeared to have been formed by the runs from the rocks, the upper surfaces of which were hollowed out by the effect of the rain: these holes or cisterns are probably full of water in the wet season.

* m. love; * propio* self-esteem *amoroso* love (as in "love letters"), loving *amueblar* furnish *análisis* m. analysis *anciano* m. old man *ancho* wide *andaluz* Andalusian *andar* walk, go; *se en miramientos* be too particular; * a tientas* grope (as in darkness)

quick; ready; quickly; *de * suddenly; m. outburst; *primer * sudden outburst *propensión* f. propensity *propio* own *proponer* propose, suggest *proporcionar* furnish; afford *propósito* m. proposition *proscribir* proscribe *proseguir* proceed, go on with *protagonista

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  furnish