6 Verbs to Use for the Word furor

Even before this public recognition of his work, Dr. Carrel had in the summer of 1912 created a furor among the savants of Paris by the announcement of what he had accomplished.

Then began the "Cochin" furor.

It was the announcement of this "permanent life of tissues" that caused such a furor in Paris last summer, and several eminent scientists to demand ocular demonstration, because "the discovery, if true, constituted the greatest scientific advance of a generation.

a vieux comptes nouvelles disputes [Fr.]; quamvis tegatur proditur vultu furor

There are rivalries of interest quite as fierce as those which roused the anti-tariff furor of Mr. Calhoun.

When the Indian Moslems get the newsthe Indian troops in Palestine will send it by mailthen what a furor!

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  furor