46 Verbs to Use for the Word furrows

For two hours, a cannonade between the Royal George and the big guns on shore was kept up, with very little effect, when a 32 pound ball from the former came over the bluff and ploughed a furrow near where the riflemen were standing.

A golden plough had been provided, and the king himself turned up a furrow on the four sides of the ground within which the building was to be.

They gazed at one another, and fancied that each fleeting moment snatched away a charm, and left a deepening furrow where none had been before.

No matter how slyly they trace the furrows of the bark, they are speedily discovered, and kicked down-stairs with comic vehemence, while a torrent of angry notes comes rushing from his whiskered lips that sounds remarkably like swearing.

It already wore the first furrows of winter, but it preserved within it the warmth of its last labour, displaying its robust charms, free from the weeds of spring, more majestically beautiful, like that second youth, of woman who has given birth to life.

A fire, a bad fire like that, gets so in an hour that you can't stop itcan't stop it till it gets out where you can plow a furrow around it.

V. be honorable &c adj.; deal honorably, deal squarely, deal impartially, deal fairly; speak the truth &c (veracity) 543; draw a straight furrow; tell the truth and shame the Devil, vitam impendere vero

After a little, while no one paid any attention to him, he began a slow withdrawal, moving jerkily step by step, his dragging heels making long furrows in the snow.

And de onliest way to bury dem wuz to cut a deep furrow wid a plow, lay de soldiers head to head, an' plow de dirt back on dem." "About a year after de war started de Mahster got one ob dese A.W.O.L.'s frum de Army

Men and carnivorous fish fall upon them, opening great furrows of destruction in their midst: but the breaches are closed instantly and the living bank continues on its way, growing denser every moment, as though defying death.

His brow was a grand and expansive one; his gray eyes were full of varied expression, keen humour, and sagacity; a lofty devotion sometimes changing his countenance in a wonderful manner, even in the present wreck of his former self, when the cheeks showed furrows worn by care and suffering, and the once flexible and resolute mouth had fallen in from loss of teeth.

A NOBLE AND RETIRED HOUSEKEEPER Is one whose bounty is limited by reason, not ostentation; and to make it last he deals it discreetly, as we sow the furrow, not by the sack, but by the handful.

Old Needham was a good ploughman, and straight as an arrow ran the furrow between the rows of corn, until it vanished in the distant perspective.

Later, they observed how the children were workinghow some were setting out shrubs, while others were digging furrows and sowing seeds.

The Scotch have a proverb warning the farmer against premature sowing: "Nae hurry wi' your corns, Nae hurry wi' your harrows; Snaw lies ahint the dyke, Mair may come and fill the furrows.

So long as I tread the long furrows of my planting, with my feet upon the earth, I am invincible and unconquerable.

The cares of royalty, the murder of the Guises, had planted many a deep and lasting furrow on his brow, which time would have otherwise withheld for many years.

One shell through the door-step, another in the chimney, a third shattering a rafter, a fourth carrying away the legs of a chair in which an officer was seated; others severing and splintering the posts in front of the house, howling through the trees by which the dwelling was surrounded, and raising deep furrows in the soft earth.

The lingering tears, with sudden start, Ran down the furrows of his cheek, I knew he thank'd me in his heart, Although he strove in vain to speak.

Billy Edwards came on deck with a line of irritation right-angling the furrows between his eyes.

One crossed her bow, ripping a long furrow in the sea.

Jack had said that he loved life and would hate to leave it; and yet he sat there calmly, scraping idly with his boot-toe a little furrow in the loose sand, his elbows resting on his knees, his face unlined by frown or bitterness, his eyes bent abstractedly upon the shallow trench he was desultorily digging.

Walter of Henley, who followed the Roman methods by tradition without knowing it, advises with them that to be successful in this kind of seeding the furrow at the last ploughing of the fallow should be so narrow as to be indistinguishable.

We had taken advantage of a stiff breeze that had sprung up about sunset, and The Waif was plunging through a moon-washed ocean, sending furrows of foam from her forefoot while the wind snored through her canvas.

They found that he had been shot through the fleshy part of the thumb, and the bullet, ranging down the arm, had sliced a furrow to the bone all the way to the elbow.

46 Verbs to Use for the Word  furrows