19 Verbs to Use for the Word fusillade

They could hear distant fusillades.

For a moment the Japs were completely off their guard, but they soon recovered, and dropping flat in the grass, they opened a brisk fusillade.

It was flying high, but drew a general fusillade from below, with the result that the pilot was killed outright and the observer was wounded.

This action immediately brought upon the standard bearer and the prince a violent fusillade.

Carrier superintended the fusillades and noyades at Nantes, while Lequinio dispatched with his own hands a part of the prisoners taken at La Fontenay, and projected the destruction of the rest.

" From the coxswain's throat issued a machine-gun fusillade of whiplash words.

So cool and collected had the men become that even in the midst of fire from the advanced trenches, and while keeping up on our side a brisk fusillade, the soldiers smoked their pipes, rude jokes were bandied from one to the other, and laughter was heard.

They came out of their little houses and dug-outs to gather around the brazier; and for every remark I made I received a fusillade in reply.

Half-a-dozen of the censitaires returned the fusillade, while the leaders consulted as to what had best be done.

Of a sudden she heard an inhuman cry and, looking up, saw Victor dash the butt of his pistol through the glass, then reversing the weapon pour through the opening a fusillade whose effect was presumably gratifying, for he laughed to himself when the pistol was empty, laughed briefly but with vicious glee.

Five seconds more and they were sending a terrific fusillade of shots into the edge of the cedarsten in alland by the time he had reloaded his own gun Rod could see nothing to shoot at.

The square was shooting a fusillade of lightning flashes, a veritable cannonade.

Another moment and the machine was sounding its wild fusillade; the Italian sped away in the same direction as the Maillard, his battered soft hat set jauntily upon the back of his head, his gay-colored neckkerchief streaming in the wind.

Once more the massive gates were closed and the bolts thrown down, just in time to avoid a fusillade of bullets from the outside.

If you could only see me mornings, in a circle of cackling feathers, throwing fusillades of corn about to keep the roosters away.

On the present occasion they commenced a distant fusillade upon the left of our line, extending it gradually along nearly the whole face; a few rounds of grape from the artillery soon cleared their front, but the enemy continued for above three hours a random fire upon the left, and, strange to say, they kept aloof from the European troops, who were encamped as usual on the right of the line.

His original intention was to hold his forces in reserve and invite his critics to "fire first," but, as none of these gentlemen seemed to be particularly anxious to go "over the top," Mr. LLOYD GEOEGE obligingly altered his battle-plan and himself delivered the opening fusillade.

When he came sailing back the three victorious commanders paraded all their men and fired off many straggling fusillades of joy.

Almost at point-blank range, howling maledictions, he hurled a murderous fusillade at the Master of the now swiftly falling Eagle of the Sky. CHAPTER XVIII "CAPTAIN ALDEN" MAKES

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  fusillade