27 Verbs to Use for the Word gallops

She even fancied, once or twice, that she could hear the gallop of his horse's hoofs.

The three youngsters rushed wildly on, and stumbling blindly over the boundary hedge, continued their mad gallop across a narrow field.

I was given a hunter, I rode to hounds every week, I rode gallops every morning, I read the racing calendar, stud-book, latest betting, and looked forward with enthusiasm to the day when I should be known as a successful steeplechase rider.

As soon as, on the 18th of February, 1563, in the outskirts of Orleans, he had, to use his own expression, done his trick, he fled full gallop, so as not to bear the responsibility of it; but, whether it were that he was troubled in his mind, or that he was ill acquainted with the region, he wandered round and round the place where he had shot the Duke of Guise, and was arrested on the 20th of February by men sent in search of him.

She finished the sentence in action; and with a movement of her body she started her Arab steed, and turned her challenging eye back on Walter, and gave him a hand-gallop of a mile on the turf by the road-side.

The footman lags behind to tipple ale and wine, And goes gallop, a gallop, a gallop, to make up his time.

Pee-eye-em had also been successful in securing his favourite hunter: but nearly every other horse belonging to the camp had broken loose and joined the whirlwind gallop.

If it please you Ile lead you a hand gallop in the plaine ground, trott up hill with you & racke downewards.

"Let's gallop!"

And since it took them some moments to come to their senses and appreciate that all this was not an evil dream, Duchemin's hands were clutching for the back of the carriage when the horses broke suddenly into an awkward, lumbering gallop and whisked it out of reach.

They moved fasterat a trotat a gallop.

The range horse pounded heavily, his head bobbing; the mares stepped out with long, rocking gallop.

But, on returning, in the turret room, I heard the noise of carriages and steeds, In rushing gallop, hurrying away.

" They had seen many a good gallop together, and rolled over each other with the utmost good-humour, in every description of soil.

Alcatraz barely escaped the danger with a sidestep light as a dancer's and shortened his gallop.

On these he spends the false gallop of his tongue, and with senseless discourse tows them alone, not out of ignorance.

There was no grass covering upon the bed of coral rock in the middle of which the singular structure stood, and our bleeding bodies could have hardly stood a swift gallop across the prickly surface.

When about fifteen versts from the village Dodd suggested a gallop, to try the mettle of our horses and warm our blood.

Col and I took a gallop upon it by way of race.

and I a Squire of Tavestock: well, Don John, I am a little in hast & am unmannerly constreynd to leave your Castilian on foote, while my Devonshire worship shall teach your Spanish Jennett an English gallop.

Rare halts to breathe the animals; then the steady, tearing gallop again; no walking or other leisurely gait.

What'll you have, mate?" "Don't mate me, you igner'nt sweepin' of the South Sea, but trot up some red-eyeand gallop.

Farther off, a pall of red vapour veiled the gallop of the last horsemen wheeling away toward Rabat.

" This missive and the general consternation at Clifford Hall brought Julia full gallop to Mary Bartley.

He swung to the side in the saddle and watched her gallop.

27 Verbs to Use for the Word  gallops