8 Verbs to Use for the Word gathers

To bid an audience gather, gie up its plans and its pursuits, tak' an hoor or two of its timethat's a muckle thing to ask!

A wealth of gorgeous Golden-Rod waves over all the hills, and enriches every bouquet one gathers; its bright colors command the eye, and it is graceful as an elm.

Gething felt the back gather beneath him, the tense body flung into the air, the flight through space, then the landing well upon the firm bank.

The worst of it isI gather from common reportthis infidel is a Cheerful Infidel, whereas a true infidel should bear upon his face the living mark of his infamy.

I feel a foot on my garments behind, and hear a long cracking sound that I too, too well know to mean gathers.

Scarcely, however, was she on terra-firma when the yelling crowd made a precipitate rush towards her, and in much alarm she climbed for safety into an empty buggy, whereupon the horse, equally alarmed, began to rear, and without pausing an instant the terrified lady sprang out on the side opposite to that by which she had entered, catching her dress upon the seat, and tearing half the gathers from the waist.

" "On the contrary," reply I, tucking my gathers in, with a graceful movement, at the band of my gown, "five minutes will make it as good as newat least" (casting a disparaging eye over its frayed and taffy-marked surface), "as good as it ever will be in this world.

Her round womanly figure had never appeared to greater advantage than in that close-fitting gown; her hips being rather wide, she wore fewer gathers than was the fashion.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  gathers