101 Verbs to Use for the Word gems

" Scattered through his works we find rare gems, such as the following "...when Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes looked love to eyes which spake again, And all went merry as a marriage bell."[20

He had read poetry, and a remark of his lighted up a spark of intelligence in the beautiful face of his companion that for a moment deceived him; but as he went on to point out his favorite beauties, it gave place to a settled composure, which at last led him to imagine the casket contained no gem equal to the promise of its brilliant exterior.

Even the jewellers in the market-place, selling gems to princes, cease from their bargaining and cease to sing; for in Babbulkund the vendor of rubies sings the song of the ruby, and the vendor of sapphires sings the song of the sapphire, and each stone hath its song, so that a man, by his song, proclaims and makes known his wares.

This was in 1808, when Napoleon was on the point of invading Spain; but as politicians, statesmen, and military men were not in the habit of buying ancient gems, I still hoped that I might be able to transact the business which had brought me to the country.

At the same time it is part of a child's training to learn to use dainty objects with delicate handling, and such things form the children's art gems, showing beauty of construction and of colour.

And on his beast is really to be seen the gem Srivatsa.

He has stolen my gem, well knowing that with it he has stolen my life.

'We may say then that Ul-Jabal had not prepared any substitute; and it may be added that it was a thing altogether beyond the limits of the probable that he could by chance have possessed two old gems exactly similar in every detail down to the very half-obliterated letters of the word "Hasn-us-Sabah."

They were indifferent whether they spent five months or five years in fashioning a block of ivory or engraving a gem for their princely patrons.

His pendant holds each tinkling gem, Long life be his, and deathless fame!

Never before has he been perfectly sure that the baronet carried the long-desired gem about on his body; but now at last he knows beyond all doubt.

As Death upon his hand turns o'er The different gems the world displays, He seizes first to swell his store The brightest jewel he surveys.

We see him bathing in perfumes, sailing ships in wine, feeding horses on grapes and lions on parrots, peppering fish with pearls, wearing gems on the soles of his feet, strewing his floor with gold-dust, paving the public streets with precious marbles, driving teams of stags, scorning to eat fish by the seaside, deploring his lot that he has never yet been able to dine on a phoenix.

She bakes gems on Monday and has them steamed during the remainder of the weekwith tea.

Would I could ask her to forgive my cruel thoughts; forgive the desire to retain this her gem.

Its publishers (Roberts Brothers) pronounced Nidworth "a gem" and were not a little surprised at its failure to strike the popular fancy.

o'er thy empurpled zone With lavish charms perennial summer strays; Soft 'midst thy spicy groves the zephyr plays, While far around the rich perfumes are thrown: The amadavid bird for thee alone Spreads his gay plumes, that catch thy vivid rays, For thee the gems with liquid lustre blaze, And Nature's various wealth is all thy own.

None, I wot, is wise that could, For it grows not there at all: Neither in wine-gardens green Seek they gems of glittering sheen.

Can he imagine that I shall not recover my precious gem, my stone of Saul? 'June 20.Ah, Ul-Jabalmy brave, my noble Son of the Prophet of God!

R85961, 2Nov51, Wilbur Daniel Steele (A) STEENMAN, BLANCHE FOX Gems of melody and rhythm for young people.

One end is of a very fine color, and would afford the largest gem of this mineral yet found, and one which would probably weigh carats.

What a pleasant morning's work it would be to unearth this gem from its dark corner, where it has lain perdu so many years!

Arrived, he saw a Moorish maid Stand at a window opened wide; He gave her many a precious gem; He gave her many a gift beside.

[eBook #11023] Language: English Character set encoding: US-ASCII ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK GEMS OF POETRY, FOR GIRLS AND BOYS*** E-text prepared by Internet Archive; University of Florida; and David Garcia and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team Note: Project Gutenberg also has an HTML version of this file which includes the original illustrations.

The Greeks also carved gems, cameos, medals, and vases, with unapproachable excellence.

101 Verbs to Use for the Word  gems