5 Verbs to Use for the Word gentlefolk

First, as each civilization matured its leaders and policy makers ceased to labor on the land or in the workshops, preferring to keep their hands and clothes clean, to free themselves from irksome demanding toil and devote themselves to tasks more befitting "gentlefolk."

She read the announcement of the lady of (deleted) title who was willing, for a substantial consideration, to introduce gentlefolk of means and their daughters to the most exclusive social circles.

If there be any evil in novels at all, it is when they take people from their businesswhen they occupy a mother's time to the neglect of her childrenwhen they lead idle boys to neglect their lessons, and when they lead idle gentlefolks to fancy themselves employed, when they are only killing time.

Only the Vigils were requested to come with their lanterns, to light the gentlefolks home at night.

He had to salute the gentlefolks respectful and be grateful for the food and clothing they spared him out of their riches.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  gentlefolk