10 Verbs to Use for the Word gingerbread

She spilled her cocoa, she dropped her knife, she crumbled her gingerbread, and she clattered her cup and saucer.

She's refused to go in and buy gingerbread of the baker.

The baggage-wagons, drawn by horses, mules and donkeys, were extraordinary; men were going about crying "the celebrated Tralorum gingerbread!" which they carried in baskets; and a boy in the University dress, with long blue gown and yellow knee-breeches, was running to the wharf to look at the Indians.

" Declining the gingerbread, I accepted the Major.

It was a poor consolation to administer to the gnawings of his hunger, while beholding his manly frame thus manacled: but I thought he seemed to eat my gingerbread with a better relish, when I told him it was made where colored men were free.

Suppose you come to my house, and teach us how to make it there; and then, you know, we could always be making gingerbread when we were not eating it.

"You can't sell yo' pies an' gingerbread heah.

For it brings back to us the days of our innocent childhood, when we stole unlawful pennies to pay for admission to the charmed circle of equestrian delights, and in youthful purity of soul, and general dirtiness of face and hands, listened to the ingenious witticisms of the clown, while we cracked the peaceful peanut, and shared the social gingerbread.

"But, gentlemen, while we are speakin' of ole King Sol'mon we ought not to forget who it is that has suppohted 'im. Yondah she sits on the sidewalk, sellin' 'er apples an' gingerbread.

The gilt was beginning to wear off the Thurstonian gingerbread, and sensible fellows, who could tell the difference between jewel and paste, were less inclined than ever to be led by the nose by such fellows as Gull and Hawley.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  gingerbread