9 Verbs to Use for the Word goatherds

So the boy decided to go in search of his mother and he set off, and first he met some goatherds and he sang to them: "Ho, Ho, goatherds Have you seen the Jhades Jogi On this road?"

Suppose we hail yon goatherd; him at whose horned herd now The dog is barkingyonder dog with white upon his brow.

Then she acknowledged that she had planned the barbecue secretly, fearing that madame would not allow her to invite the little goatherd.

Suddenly a figure rose just before me, where the land made out a little farther on a point of the crag, so strange that I was startled; but straightway I knew the goatherd, the curling locks, the olive face, the garments of goatskin and leather on his limbs.

Clarissa pelts her goatherd with apples, should he stray

She says that a very different life has begun for little Monsieur Jules, and that in his fine new clothes one could never recognize the little goatherd.

On the floor are seated the goatherd and his sister, with the muzzled house-dog and pet lamb of the family, and through the open portal in the background is a distant view of the Guadarama mountainsIt is next to impossible for us to do justice to the diversified character of this picture.

As one cannot tie one's money up with a boot-lace, it is wise to carry it safely, and cheat the goatherds, who may surely make a profitable living out of the various treasures lost by Ski-ers, which appear on the slopes after the snow melts.

So the boy decided to go in search of his mother and he set off, and first he met some goatherds and he sang to them: "Ho, Ho, goatherds Have you seen the Jhades Jogi On this road?"

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  goatherds