20 Verbs to Use for the Word gouts

This is better than bein' throde onto the cold, cold charities of the world, especially where a man has got the gout, for anything cold in apt to bring on the pain and make him pe-uuk. Hopin' that in the futer, as you grow older, you may lern wisdom by cultivatin' my acquaintanceand with kind regards to UGEEN and bub BONYPART, in your native tung I will say: Barn-sure, noblesse Pea-cracker.

This activity in the winter kept off the gout longer than usual, but the fit returning in the spring, was the more unlucky, as it happened at the time of his benefit, when the success of his play was sure to depend in a great measure upon his own performance.

There are no signs of disease excepting some old-standing rheumatic gout of the right hip-joint.

Accordingly, late in 1491 he began to feel the gout, from which he had suffered for some years, becoming so troublesome that he was unable for the duties devolving on him.

We have constant reasons for noticing the transmission of qualities from parents to offspring, and we find it hard to hold a child accountable in any moral point of view for inherited bad temper or tendency to drunkenness,as hard as we should to blame him for inheriting gout or asthma.

Enfin a force de courir et de chercher quelque chose qu'ils pussent manger, ils apercurent entre les rochers qui etoient le long du rivage, de gros limacons, et de plus petits, qui y venoient de la mer, et dont le gout, qui etoit passable, parut excellent a des gens affamez.

Vulgarity N. vulgarity, vulgarism; barbarism, Vandalism, Gothicism^; mauvis gout

When he declined, pleading gout and old age, the task devolved upon Lord Aberdeen, who accepted the Queen's commission knowing that Palmerston was willing to take office and work with, though never again (he said) under, Lord John.

Pungency N. pungency, piquance, piquancy, poignancy haut-gout, strong taste, twang, race.

Claret has been accused of producing the gout, but without reason.

Passion may indeed bring on a fit, but the disease is lodged in the blood, and it is not more ridiculous to attempt to relieve the gout by an embroidered slipper, than to restore reason by the gratification of wild desires.

The pain I hope to endure with decency; but I am loth to put life into much hazard.''By representing the gout as an antagonist to the palsy, you have said enough to make it welcome.

Hastily running down a ball, I ascended the slope; my blood ran a little faster as I saw the gouts of blood' which stained the withered leaves where he had stood.

" "Irroy's Carte d'Or," suggested the patient, entering into the business with a certain feeble alacrity that showed his gout had not always been unconnected with imprudence in diet.

But if he could not risewho can?to the apostolic virtue of suffering bores gladly, at any rate he endured their onslaughts as unflinchingly as he stood the gout.

I shall look upon our sea-captains with as much horror as the King of Naples can, if they bring gouts, fits, and headaches.

Hogue Tainted " Haut gout.

"Medicine cannot cure the knotty gout.

Dey never gits dis awful gout 'Cause dey's busy all de time in helpin' out.

You see how difficult it is to conquer my proud spirit: low and weak as I am, I think my resolution and perseverance will get the better, and that I shall still be a gay shadow; at least, I will impose any severity upon myself, rather than humour the gout, and sink into that indulgence with which most people treat it.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  gouts