14 Verbs to Use for the Word granaries

He built public granaries.

If he rules it for his own personal endsmerely to fill his granaries, and lay up goldhe rules it for miserliness, with a sort of thrift that is as passing in inheritance as the flying April rain.

Through the new sources of revenue which Philip had created in mines, customs, and tenths, and through the flourishing state of agriculture and commerce, he had succeeded in replenishing his treasury, granaries, and arsenals.

This forms the invariable village granary, and looks at a distance not unlike a stack or rick of corn, round a farm at home.

If any one should steal or kill the cat that guarded the prince's granary, the offender was to forfeit either a milch ewe, her fleece, and lamb, or as much wheat as when poured on the cat suspended by its tail, (its head touching the floor) would form a heap high enough to cover the tip of the tail.

There was nothing in the condition of the country to endanger a well-managed banking institution; commerce was deranged by no foreign war; every branch of manufacturing industry was crowned with rich rewards, and the more than usual abundance of our harvests, after supplying our domestic wants, had left our granaries and storehouses filled with a surplus for exportation.

Then he locked the granary, and put the key away, and afterwards went to the barn, and opened the great doors, which led in to the barn floor.

He opened another granary, which was soon equally exhausted, then a third, and so on in this fashion until all the granaries of the King were emptied.

In the island, Andranodorus, among other places, secured the public granaries by a garrison.

"And justly so," I exclaimed, "for his farms are a more pleasing spectacle to many on account of their clean cultivation than the stately palaces of others; when one goes to visit his country place, one sees granaries and not picture galleries, as at the 'farm' of Lucullus.

The squirrel has lost his playful air, and has an anxious manner, as though there were no time to waste before stocking his granary.

In the Pampas, when the natives want a granary, they sew the legs of a whole skin up, and fill it full of corn; it is then tied up to four stakes, with the legs hanging downwards, so that it has the appearance of an elephant hanging up; the top is again covered with hides, which prevent the rats getting in.

And a few months later an anonymous English traveller, passing the same way, wrote: 'In so infant a settlement, it would have been irrational to expect that abundance which bursts the granaries, and lows in the stalls of more cultivated countries.

Throughout the winter the fleet had lain inactive, although why they should have done so none knew, when they had it in their power, by attacking the Russian forts in the Sea of Azof, to destroy the granaries upon which the besieged depended for their supplies.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  granaries