58 Verbs to Use for the Word grubs

All time I work at mine I eat, good, ver' good grub.

PROSPECTING Looking for placer pangar, Loafing about in the hills, Getting your grub with a rifle, Taking your drink from rills.

"We can buy the grub to-morrow," said Acton; "but there's one thing we ought to fetch to-day, and that is, I thought we might have, say, six bottles of ginger-beer.

Hadn't I better bring the grub out here?

Think you and Katy can rustle grub for this bunch by six?" "Oh, I suppose so," she said shortly.

In the chamber below, perhaps, we shall find the grub full-grown, and finishing his last spicier; and so on, down six or eight storeys, till the lowest holds nothing but spiders, packed close, but not yet sealed up.

"Gratton stole grub.

How'm I to git grub out to my claim without a dog?" "We are offerin' you a couple o' capital draught dogs.

It must be rather a bore having to spend all your money in rings and that sort of thing, instead of in grub; though I really think I'd have given up grub for Miss Eleanor.

It is a matter of everyday experience that it is difficult to prevent many articles of food from becoming covered with mould; that fruit, sound enough to all appearance, often contains grubs at the core; that meat, left to itself in the air, is apt to putrefy and swarm with maggots.

Noder tam he get mad on one voyageur, but he don' keel heem queek; he bring heem here, mak' heem stay in dose warm room, feed heem dose plaintee grub.

"You want grub," said this strange boy, helping Oliver to rise; "and you shall have it.

Luther did not know that they more than earn their good wages by destroying grubs and other small vermin.

"Yes." "Well, then, sell that first, and you can share our grub.

When Pack-train Thirteen finally took the field from the big corral, to carry grub and ammunition to the moving forces and the few outstanding garrisons, Bedient had already been tried out and found excellent as cook of the outfit.

You can't pack your grub and blankets a-foot.

eef I cut heem de wood you mus' cook heem de grub!"

Then shall beautyDivinity taking outlines and colorlight upon the souls of men as the butterfly, image of the beautified spirit rising from the dust, soars from the shell that held a poor grub, which would never have found wings, had not the stone been lifted.

Dicky here has been howling for another man to help lug the grub all morning.

There, in deep burrows, lurked great succulent beetle-grubs, demanding only a tool with which they might be dug out.

"Hey, Mr. Commander, you'll be court-martialed if you miss grub."

Like the Nightingale, it "sings darkling," and like the woodpecker, is much addicted to tapping the bark of Limbs and Trunks for the purpose of obtaining grub.

He owed no man a nickel, he had grub enough to last him three months if he were careful, he had a body tough as seasoned hickory, and he was headed for that great no-man's-land which is the desert.

And I saw him picking some fat white grubs out of those old rotten stumps we passed at the time we rested, an hour back.

The Boy ran on to tell the cook to prepare more grub, and then pelted after O'Flynn and the Colonel, who had gone down to meet the newcomersan Indian driving five dogs, which were hitched tandem to a low Esquimaux sled, with a pack and two pairs of web-foot snow-shoes lashed on it, and followed by a white man.

58 Verbs to Use for the Word  grubs