33 Verbs to Use for the Word grudges

Richard Morriston was a pleasant-looking man of about five or six-and-thirty, the last man, Gifford thought, he would bear a grudge against for possessing the old home of the Giffords.

"I owe you a grudge for not telling me what I wanted to know about my young brother's love-letter.

Something seems to tell me that the boy isn't the one to hold a grudge against a chap who's been punished already for doing an evil deed.

Worse still, he cherished a contemptible grudge against Carleton for having refused to turn out a good officer and put in a bad one who happened to be a pampered favourite.

But whatever took place, a dangerous criminal like Birchill would not require much provocation to silence a man who interrupted him while he was on business bent, and a man, moreover, against whom he nursed a bitter grudge.

When "Kennedy" saw his ancient enemy charging at him, he forgot his grudge against Ashton, and, considering that "he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day", he bolted, with his trunk in the air.

" "I am far from being certain of that; for, somehow Howel has taken up the notion that I have gotten a grudge against England, and he listens to all I say with distrust and distaste.

I shall engage the table flippantly: Hear how preposterously the fellow talks!he jests to satisfy a grudge.

After tryin' on the garment about steelin' wood, it was hard to decide who the coat fit the best, but each one made up his mind to pay off an old grudge and "pitch into the Lait Gustise.

If you deny it, I shall know that you are harboring the most undying grudge against me.

Philip and Antiochus, the kings of Macedonia and Asia, had combined against his successor Ptolemy Epiphanes, a child of five years old, in order completely to gratify the ancient grudge which the monarchies of the mainland entertained towards the maritime state.

I felt a grudge even against innocent, pious Flaminia, who preferred the convent to my strong, brotherly love.

If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.

There lurks no treason, there no envy swells, There grow no damned grudges; there no storms, No noise, but silence and eternal sleep.

Mr. Justice Fewbanks had had the reputation of being a somewhat severe judge, and it was possible that some of the criminals who had been sentenced by him at Old Bailey entertained a grudge against him.

They had determined to put the carpenter and John King into the boat with Hudson and the sick, having some grudge against them for their attachment to the master.

"Butso you've carried this grudge all these days, eh?" Arizona tossed up his head.

Deep-rooted in these twain dwelleth an ancient grudge, So that, where'er they happen on their way to meet, Upon her hated rival turneth each her back; Then onward speeds her course with greater vehemence, Shame filled with sorrow, Beauty insolent of mood, Till her at length embraces Orcus' hollow night, Unless old age erewhile her haughtiness hath tamed.

And she did, reading with well-trained inflection: "'Kye Mayabb from south of town and Sym Pleydell, who rents the Clemison farm, met up in front of Barney Skeyhan's place last Saturday afternoon and started to settle an old grudge, while their respective better halves looked on from across the street.

Men are ever ready to dodge disagreeable duties by converting questions of principles into criticisms on the men who represent principles; and the men who represent principles should therefore look to it that they make no needless enemies and give no needless shock to public opinion for the purpose of pushing pet opinions, wreaking personal grudges, or gratifying individual antipathies.

He conceived a special grudge against Georgia, whom he had caught slyly laughing when she first observed the change in his appearance.

In his heart there may have existed a grudge against the Almighty for placing him in a position which was not only intensely disagreeable, but also somewhat ridiculous.

As for the preacher, whose evidence has caused my arrest, he hath simply a grudge against me for a boyish freak, from which he suffered at the time when I made my escape from a guardroom in London, and his accusation against me is solely the result of prejudice.

It wouldn't do for a couple of our age to be keeping up grudges against the young people for their ways of getting out of marriages or getting into them.

It is too long to quote here in full, but I will give a few stanzas: Nor lett the Gentry grudge to goe Into the places where they grew, Butt thinke them blest they may doe so: Who would pursue

33 Verbs to Use for the Word  grudges