18 Verbs to Use for the Word gymnastic

After a hard struggle he succeeded, in 1814, in securing the recognition of the government and founded the Royal Gymnastic Central Institute, where all persons desiring to teach gymnastics in the public schools or in private institutions must take a course of training and take a degree.

ANDERSON, D. N. Play gymnastics.

"I have an exercise healthful and good, For tuning the nerves and digesting the food Graceful gymnastics for stirring the blood Without the gross purpose of use Ant, let me tell you 'tis not a la mode To plod like a pilgrim, and carry a load, Perverting the limbs that for grace were bestowed, By such a plebeian abuse!

The ancients probably esteemed gymnastics too much, as the moderns do too little, for medical or sanative purposes.

Guess I'm euchred, then," the Boy in desperation would catch up Kaviak, balance the child on his head, or execute some other gymnastic, soothing the solemn little

He even glanced toward the towering berg as if to say: "Now be good, and just hold off your gymnastics till we get started, old chap!

Ling thought not of merely imitating the gymnastics of the ancients, but he aimed at their reformation and improvement.

A typical week's work in the second year's course in one of the colleges includes six hours' Gymnastics; five hours' Remedial Gymnastics, and five hours' actual treatment under supervision, of patients in the clinic; six hours' Anatomy, two hours' Physiology, two hours' Hygiene, two hours' Vaulting, three and a half hours' Dancing.

They learn gymnastics, as they learn everything else, more readily than their elders.

Sometimes these beloved creations of genius performed rather curious gymnastics on being placed in the boiling greasesuch as twisting on one side, throwing a limb entirely over their heads, &c.; while not unfrequently a leg or an arm was found missing when boiled to the requisite degree of hardness.

So, too, the martial Roman despised those who practised gymnastics with any other object than as fitting them to be better soldiers.

This sort of thing took all the nautical gymnastics that I was master of, and entirely occupied my mind, so that I found myself whistling while I worked.

Add to this the constitutional American receptiveness, which welcomes new pursuits without distinction of origin,unites German gymnastics with English sports and sparring, and takes the red Indians for instructors in paddling and running.

The ancients valued gymnastics highly as curative agents in disease.

Do not waste your gymnastics on the West Point or Annapolis student, whose whole life will be one of active exercise, but bring them into the professional schools and the counting-rooms.

Presently the "Antipodal Brothers" begin their fraternal gymnastics.

He laid his hand over his mouth and went into such convulsions of silent laughter, all the time writhing and twisting his lean body into such contortions that in watching his extraordinary gymnastics over the head of my unconscious vis-à-vis, and wondering if the boy ever could untie himself, I forgot my suffering.

For these intellectual duels with Douglas, he possessed a power of analysis that easily outran and circumvented the "Little Giant's" most extraordinary gymnastics of argument.

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  gymnastic