18 Verbs to Use for the Word hairpins

" She put up her hands, and hastily pulled out two or three hairpins.

Pretending to arrange it, he took all the hairpins out, and the cloud of dark red hair fell down on her shoulders.

The great loss of hairpins did not proceed so much from the carelessness of women in fastening their hair, as from their 'pennywise and pound-foolish' system of buying cheap hairpins with few and inefficient 'twists.'

As we walked on for half an hour or so, principally along roads bordered by the umbrageous gardens of villa residences, we counted all the hairpins we could see.

Presently on a natural platform where he sat down to rest, he found a hairpin.

He waited while Stella gathered up her scattered hairpins and made shift to coil her hair into a semblance of Order.

"Of course here and there a girl in society does turn out well and rides an elephant or a coronet,of course I mean wears a coronet,though ten to one it jams the hairpins into her head, but mostly daughters are regular hornets,that is, if you're ambitious and mean to keep in society.

"Then I do not mind being grownupand putting up my hairif you will lend me two hairpins.

" "I haven't lost any hairpins, have I?" said Patty, putting up her hands to her fluffy topknot.

Mrs. Burton rolled up her abundant hair, and poked in half a dozen hairpins to keep it in place.

She had been telling him with great enjoyment of the comic opera they had seen, as she finished putting the hairpins into her freshly smoothed hair, and turned, a pin still in her mouth, in time to be almost abashed by the expression in his eyes as he suddenly drew his wife to him.

Tina stole hairpins, opened letters that she could not hope to decipher, rummaged bureau drawers, rifled cupboards and fingered books; but then, so did most of the other Tinas in Rome.

"Here to-day an' gone to-morrow, and only to stretch out your hand whether 'tis hairpins or a fryin'-pan; though I should never get over travellin' on Sundays."

Putting up her hand to adjust a hairpin, the owner did not know that the chain had caught on to her fringe-net, and, bringing her hand down quickly, the fringe-net and most of the hairpins were dragged from her hair.

"Just because I'm wearing a few extra hairpins you needn't look as if you'd lost your last friend.

" "Never mind, I can make it look beautiful in half a jiffy," said the girl, standing behind the chair and drawing deftly the hairpins from Aunt Jane's scanty grey locks, "and you can't imagine how it pleases me to fuss over anyone.

Fulvia, the widow of Clodius and now the wife of Antony, drove her hairpin through the tongue which had denounced the iniquities of both her husbands.

" She fell on Cousin Peligros' mantilla and extracted two hairpins from it despite the resistance of the soft white hands.

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  hairpins