195 Verbs to Use for the Word handkerchiefs

The fool who attaches himself by the heels to the car of an ascending balloon is sure to have thousands of feeble-minded females waving handkerchiefs at him.

"So I did, Miss," answers the attached menial, "but he'd seen you looking at him with an opera-glass as he came up the path, and said that he could hear you taking a clean handkerchief out of tho drawer, on purpose to receive him with, before he'd got to the door.

"Tie the handkerchief on, and get out of the way," he directed.

" Her voice shook with emotion, and drawing a huge white linen handkerchiefs from the folds of her gown, she cracked it by the corner like a whip, and blew her nose like a trumpet.

And Donnegan remained kneeling, holding a stained handkerchief to his face.

He threw the handkerchief in and closed the door.

[Weeps, pulling out his handkerchief, drops a Picture with a Glass on the reverse.

The young fellow stopped the machine, jumped down, and picked up the coarse little handkerchief which showed a bit of drooping green stem at one end and a glimpse of pink at the other.

A few Jewish artizans have always been tolerated here, on condition of wearing a black handkerchief round their heads, and not mount a horse, &c.

The scrap of lace merely shows that it was torn off a good handkerchief, but there is nothing about it to show that the handkerchief was different in any marked way from the average filmy scrap of muslin and lace which every smart woman carries as a handkerchief.

There, after bathing his wound in the river, I bound my wetted handkerchief 'round his body; having done which, we retreated up the ravine and into the daylight again.

Mademoiselle Chiron ran to answer it, and accidentally dropped her handkerchief on the floor in picking up the receiver.

Barney filled his canteen from the running water, and, wetting his handkerchief, laid it on Nick's parboiled head and temples.

" Godfrey came back to his chair a moment later, sat down in it, and passed his handkerchief slowly over his face.

"I wish't Johnnie was here," he repeated his plaintive formula, as he raised the handkerchief and untied the corners.

"Spread out your handkerchief, Lester," and as I dazedly obeyed, he picked up the little leather bag, opened it, and poured out its contents in a sparkling flood.

" Patsy tittered and stuffed her handkerchief into her mouth.

Patricia, regardless of her skirts, sat down upon the ground, and produced a pocket-handkerchief.

Mademoiselle Chiron here applied the handkerchief to her eyes on her own account.

The world is like "sweet Alice Ben Bolt"; it laughs with delight when you give it a smile, and gets out its pocket handkerchief to weep with you when you call it "Poor thing!"

Gradually they become more audible, and as the fire of their zeal warms up, and the eloquence of the minister enflames, they get keener, fiercer, more rapturous; the intervals of repose are shorter, the moments of ecstacy are more rapid and fervent; and this goes on with gathering desperation, until the speaker reaches hisclimax, and stops to either breathe or use his handkerchief.

Moving toward the saloon companionway, she passed him swiftly, without a word, her head bended, a hand pressing a handkerchief to her lips.

I asked, twisting my handkerchief, as I should have liked to twist Godensky's neck, till he had no more breath or wickedness left in him.

He wanted me to try to find the handkerchief, but I didn't have the courage.

I brought my largest handkerchief.

195 Verbs to Use for the Word  handkerchiefs