17 Verbs to Use for the Word haunch

His master had given him a fat haunch from an enormous stag to roast for the priests' dinner, and a dog had run off with it.

My dog, having bitten himself free from the native, made for the moose, and savagely attacked his haunches.

It is very necessary that every one who undertakes to carve a haunch of venison should be aware of the responsibility of his duty.

We claimed a haunch for our share, permitting him to keep all the rest.

When the hams are cured separately from the sides, which is generally the case, they are cut out so as to include the hock-bone, in a similar manner to the London mode of cutting a haunch of mutton.

In order to avoid being whipped for his carelessness, the slave resolved to let the priests dine off a haunch of their own ass.

Now one wormed his chest forward, dragging his haunches after, now a second, now a third; but never a one drew back.

Then he describes driving in a broiling sun through a dusty road, to eat a haunch of venison at the house of a neighbouring parson.

1. I ha lost a haunch.

With deadly force so in their cruell race They pincht the haunches of that gentle beast, That at the last, and in short time, I spide, Under a rocke, where she, alas!

Mr. Flower led the way to a long stable where some fifty horses protruded brown and dappled haunches on either hand.

The Romans, also, were devoted admirers of the flesh of the deer; and our own kings and princes, from the Great Alfred down to the Prince Consort, have hunted, although, it must be confessed, under vastly different circumstances, the swift buck, and relished their "haunch" all the more keenly, that they had borne themselves bravely in the pursuit of the animal.


Invited to dinner at one house, he happens to glance down into the kitchen of the next, and seeing a tempting haunch of venison on the spit, throws over the inviter, and ingratiates himself with his neighbour, who ends by asking him to stay to dinner.

He is generally a hollow-backed, pot-bellied creature, about the size of a yearling calf, with ungainly, sloping haunches, and long, coarse hair.

I hear the merry dinting of steel on steel; the sullen chug-chug of the wheels of Foul Peg, the Margrave's great cannon, which more than once he lent our Prince; the oaths of the men-at-arms shouldering her up, apostrophizing most indecently her fat haunches, and the next moment getting tossed aside like ninepins by her unexpected lurches.

I could not have been twenty yards from him, and the shadow head was touching the shadow haunch, when he turned with a curse in his saddle and emptied both his pistols, one after the other, into Violette.

17 Verbs to Use for the Word  haunch