24 Verbs to Use for the Word haze

Until the slave trade breathed its haze upon the vision of the church, and smote her with palsy and decay, commentators saw no slavery in, "The souls that they had gotten."

When upon the next morning the brig had left Morant Point a mere haze upon the Southern horizon, the men were called aft, and Copley Banks revealed his plans to them.

When the birds saw the first white spiral haze, they became uneasy and increased their speed.

And a noble grass it is, with its stems as thick as one's wrist, tillering out below in bold curves over the well-hoed dark soil, and its broad bright leaves falling and folding above in curves as bold as those of the stems: handsome enough thus, but more handsome still, I am told, when the 'arrow,' as the flower is called, spreads over the cane-piece a purple haze, which flickers in long shining waves before the breeze.

The foremost two rode downcast upon the trail, the hindmost man watched the haze that crept down the vastness of the valley, nearer and nearer, and noted how the wind grew in strength moment by moment.

he called, and waved the haze away with his open palm.

There is still a gleam of the lost sun upon the priory walls, and over the dark rocks and wooded hollows floats a purple haze.

Struck with admiration and astonishment at this unexpected revelation of the deep ravines and stern and gloomy gorges that scored its front, over which hung a blue haze, Phillip, almost involuntarily, named them on the moment; the Blue Mountains.

He felt he hated the smothering haze that rolled in front and hid the dangers, but they must go on and trust to luck.

But it was certainly sweet and potent, and for the children at any rate a couple of glasses of it induced a haze upon the feasta sort of golden fog through which Mr. Mortimer loomed in a halo of diffusive hospitality.

Far away down the valley the Sind River gleamed like a silver thread in the afternoon light, and beyond, the Wular lay a pale haze in the distance.

The whole display, so far as we were concerned, was over in about twenty minutes; but long after the sheet of phosphorescence disappeared from the neighbourhood of the ship, we could see it lighting up the overhanging haze as it moved swiftly from place to place beyond the horizon line.

" "Well," said Minnehaha, "if the smoke of Nanahboozhoo's big pipe of peace makes the beautiful haze of the lovely Indian Summer, it is about the best thing I have heard yet of tobacco smoke doing.

Nor, on the other hand, do we need poetic haze from a century or two of intervening time: Gettysburg was a consecrated spot to all the world before its dead were buried.

Where the sunlight falls, there steeple or house glows and shines; when it has passed, the haze that is really there, though itself invisible, instantly blots out the picture.

In the afternoon, he searched the haze with his glasses, and getting a bearing stopped the engines near Salinas Point at dusk.

So Peter walked on slowly, smelling the haze of dust that hung in the blackness.

Before my eyes there swims a haze, Through mists departed comrades gaze First to encourage, last that shall upbraid!

The envelope of his spiritual nature was so tenuous that he seemed to respond to all the subtler influences of the universe; a sensitive chord attuned to poetic values, he appeared to exercise an almost mediumistic refraction and revelation of matters which lie only in the realm of the transcendental "Weaving about the commonplace of things The golden haze of morning's blushing glow.

Hot as are many summer days, they are seldom sultry enough to breed the heavy, overhanging heat-haze which shrouds the heaven nearer the tropics.

He 'scarcely attempts to clear away the haze that covers great parts of the subject.'

I talked quietly and slowly, like my aunt, and I know that I had a tremendous air of sagacity and self-possession; but beneath that my brain and heart were whirling, bewildered in a delicious, dazzling haze of novel sensations.

Beyond this mountain, again, the young man fancied that he could detect the haze of more land; but, if he did, it was too low, too distant, and too indistinct, to be certain of it.

The streams ran merrily in the rich lightthe oriole swayed upon the gorgeous boughs and sang away his soulover all drooped the diaphanous haze of October, like an enchanting dream.

24 Verbs to Use for the Word  haze