16 Verbs to Use for the Word headline

There she read the headlines: Russia declares war!

*** "Is Pheasant Shooting Dangerous?" asks a weekly paper headline.

Homicide makes the headlines.

But she only sat on, her face whiter and whiter, looking into emptiness and seeing headlines that towered as high as immense black cliffs.

Under the chief ministership of Manohar Parrikar, the issue has hit the headlines especially after Rajan Narayan announced his resignation from the Herald (in September 2003).

The drowning hogs the headlines in the mainstream newspapers and tabloids.

Russian Bolsheviks held the headlines on revolutionary activity from 1917 to 1943 but it should not be forgotten that one of the most prolonged and thorough-going revolutions of the present century gripped Mexico from 1910 to 1917.

If the nightingale had but the peacock's tail It would merit a headline in the Mail.

The newspapers screamed headlines of triumph, nobody could settle down to business, the faces one met were wreathed in smiles, complaining was forgotten, the assurance of final victory was in the very air.

This just punishment may specially be noticed in the case of those staggering and staring headlines which American journalism introduced and which some English journalism imitates.

Then he said to Mr. Glennie: 'Now, Sir Parson, the law has given into your fool's hands a power over this churchyard, and 'tis your trade to stop unseemly headlines from being set up within its walls, or once set up, to turn them out forthwith.

3. To supply their own headlines for their dispatches, and to guarantee that these, and none others, would be printed.

Crump jammed an oar in the sand; and warping the headline to this, the three trudged on to the white dry ridge.

"I knew we were doing well," says the bandaged one, devouring the headlines; "

In Berlin at that moment the afternoon editions were fluttering their daily headlines of victory to the crowds on the Linden and the Friedrichstrasse, but here the mammoth vans were moving slowly through the streets of Potsdam.

Not even in my nightmares had I ever seen myself sitting in the office of the Herald happily churning out copies or giving headlines to stories which thousands of readers would read the next day.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  headline